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2013 LawCrossing Salary Survey of Lawyer Salaries in Best Law Firms

published July 11, 2013

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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A recent LawCrossing Salary Survey of Lawyer Salaries of Best Law Firms survey asked attorneys about their experiences working for 94 different law firms. While the survey asked a variety of questions regarding associate life, vacation time, benefits, and firm demands, one of the more interesting components involved the salary and bonus assessment. What follows is a concise summary of the survey's results with regards four separate areas: salary and bonus amounts for 2013; salary scale; the target bonus amounts for 2012; and the factors that go into determining bonuses for each firm.

An updated survey for 2016 can be found here: 2016 Law Firm Salary Chart - Firms Announcing Raises

An updated survey for 2015 can be found here: 2015 LawCrossing Salary Survey of Lawyer Salaries in Best Law Firms

Law Firm Name 2013 Salary & Bonuses Salary Scale 2012 Target Bonus Level Bonus Factors
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld have salaries that start at $115K to $160K for first year associates, depending on the office. The average salary for first years across firms is $146,000. There is an unofficial billing target of 2,000 hours annually. Y1 $115,000-$160,000
Y2 $125,000-$170,000
Y3 $135,000-$185,000
Y4 $150,000-$210,000
Y5 $160,000-$230,000
Y6 $165,000-$250,000
Y7 $170,000-$265,000
Y8 $175,000-$280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
* unofficial target 2,000 hours a year * New York firm pays juniors bonuses based on the 2012 Cravath scale plus a discretionary for top performers * In all other offices the bonus scale is based on local market rates
Allen & Overy LLP Starting salary is $160,000. There is a 2,000 billable hours requirement per year. Billable hours have no bearing on bonuses. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y3: $17,500 (pro-rated)
Y4: $17,500
Y5: $20,000
Y6: $22,500
Y7: $25,000
Y8: $27,500
Y9: $30,000
Y10: $32,500
Class year determines bonuses.
Alston & Bird LLP $130,000 starting salary for new associates. Billable hours determines bonus rates. Y1 $130,000-$145,000 Y2 $135,000-$155,000 Y3 $140,000-$170,000 Y4 $147,000-$190,000 Y5 $157,000-$210,000 Y6 $170,000-$225,000 Y7 $180,000-$240,000 up to 7% of salary; 6th year associates can get up to $25K Everyone is eligible for a year-end merit bonus and profit-sharing of up to 7% of salary. * Spot bonuses of up to $2,000 for top performers
Arnold & Porter LLP Starting salary for first year associates ranges from $110K to $160K, depending on the office. Billable hours determine bonuses. Y1 $110,000-$160,000
Y2 $120,000-$155,000
Y3 $130,000-$170,000
Y4 $140,000-$190,000
Y5 $150,000-$210,000
Y6 $160,000-$225,000
Y7 $170,000-$240,000
Y8 $180,000-$250,000
Y1 $10,000-$40,000
Y2 $10,000-$45,000
Y3 $10,000-$45,000
Y4 $12,500-$50,000
Y5 $15,000-$55,000
Y6 $20,000-$60,000
Y7 $25,000-$65,000
Y8 $25,000-$75,000
Y9 $30,000-$75,000
* First year associates can get $10,000 payouts for meeting a minimum of 2,000 billable hours, and up to $40,000 in excess of 2,800 hours. *Qualifying factors include billable hours and pro bono work.
Baker & McKenzie Starting salaries are $110K to $160K depending on the office. Billable hours impacts on bonuses Y1 $110,000-$160,000 Y2 $114,000-$170,000 Y3 $121,000-$190,000 Y4 $130,000-$210,000 Y5 $140,000-$230,000 Y6 $145,000-$250,000 Y7 $155,000-$265,000 Y8 $190,000-$280,000 Arnold & Porter pays $10,000 for second year associates. Arnold & Porter lawyers need to bill 2400 hours to reach the bonus award of $14,000 based on the Cravath scale * Minimum of 1,700 billing hours requirement.
Baker Botts L.L.P . Starting salaries are $110K to $160K depending on the office. Bonuses do not follow a lock-step tier. The partnership track is 8 years. The firm does not have a tiered partnership Y1 $110,000-$160,000
Y2 $114,000-$150,000
Y3 $121,000-$160,000
Y4 $130,000-$170,000
Y5 $140,000-$190,000
Y6 $145,000-$200,000
Y7 $155,000-$215,000
Y8 $170,000-$195,000
No bonuses for first year associates. Second year associates and up earn from $5,000 to $15,000. * Minimum of 2,000 billing hours requirement.
Baker Hostetler LLP Starting salaries are from $95,000 (Columbus) to $160,000 (Los Angeles) depending on the office. Levels are based on a hybrid lockstep system that takes billable hours, performance, and other factors into consideration. $95K to $160K N/A 5% bonus administered after completing 1,950 hours. Additional 12.5% bonus is possible, though rare, and based on performance.
Bingham McCutchen LLP Starting salary is from $145K to $160K. The firm follows a hybrid lockstep system that determines base salary levels. Bonuses are at market level but not paid out until March. Judicial clerkship bonuses are also available. Billable hours requirement includes pro bono work. Billable hours determine bonuses. Y1 $145,000-$160,000
Y2 $155,000-$170,000
Y3 $170,000-$185,000
Y4 $190,000-$210,000
Y5 $210,000-$230,000
Y6 $225,000-$250,000
Y7 $240,000-$265,000
Y8 $250,000-$280,000
Y9 $260,000-$290,000
Y1 $10,000-$40,000
Y2 $14,000-$44,000
Y3 $20,000-$50,000
Y4 $27,000-$57,000
Y5 $34,000-$64,000
Y6 $40,000-$70,000
Y7 $50,000-$80,000
Y8 $60,000-$90,000
* Minimum billable hours is 1,900, target is 2,000.
Bryan Cave LLP Starting salaries are $120K to $145K depending on the office. Ccompensation is typically based on a hybrid of lockstep and merit-based factors. Judicial clerkship bonuses are available in some cases. Billable hours requirement includes pro bono work. Y1 $120,000-$145,000
Y2 $125,000-$155,000
Y3 $130,000-$170,000
Y4 $142,500-$190,000
Y5 $205,000
Y6 $220,000
Y7 $230,000
Discretionary * Minimum billable hours is 1,900. * Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though this process is not transparent. Bonus tiers reside at 1,950, 2,100, 2,250, and 2,400 hours.
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft have a lockstep salary system that starts at $160,000. Associates are also expected to spend 100 extra hours on marketing, which includes pro bono work. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Associates are expected to clock 1,900 billable hours, and 2,000 to be bonus eligible.
Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP Cahill offers a lockstep salary system that starts at $160,000 and stays consistent depending on the associate's class. Bonuses were distributed in payments ranging between $10,000 to $60,000. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
* Class year determines bonuses. * Special bonuses will be paid, ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 on top of the regular bonus * No formal billing hours requirement, with 2,000 hours the informal target. Juniors clock in between 1,900 and 2,400 hours
Chadbourne & Parke LLP Chadbourne & Parke has a starting salary of $160,000 and follows a lock-step salary system. Bonuses meet the market scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $165,000-$170,000
Y3 $175,000-$185,000
Y4 $195,000-$210,000
Y5 $215,000-$230,000
Y6 $230,000-$250,000
Y7 $245,000-$265,000
Y8 $250,000
N/A * Juniors are required to clock in 2,100 hours a year, which includes 200 hours of quality non-billable work *Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP Starting salaries are at $160,000. A lockstep system is used for setting salaries. They match market scale bonuses across the board. Judicial clerkship bonus available for eligible associates. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Bonuses are determined by class year of the associate.
Clifford Chance Clifford Chance uses a lockstep system to determine salaries, which start at $160,000. Bonuses meet the market scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
The process by which bonuses are determined is not transparent.
Cooley Godward Kronish LLP Salaries start from $125,000 to $160,000 depending on the office and generally meet market level. Y1 $125,000-$160,000
Y2 $135,000-$155,000
Y3 $150,000-$170,000
Y4 $165,000-$190,000
Y5 $185,000-$210,000
Y6 $195,000-$225,000
Y7 $205,000-$240,000
Y8 $210,000-$250,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Covington & Burling Starting salaries range from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. The firm follows a lockstep system to determine salaries. Bonuses are lower than market levels but compensate by providing a better quality of life for associates. Y1 $145,000-$160,000
Y2 $155,000-$170,000
Y3 $170,000-$185,000
Y4 $190,000-$210,000
Y5 $210,000-$230,000
Y6 $225,000-$250,000
Y7 $235,000-$265,000
Y8 $245,000
Discretionary Class year determines bonuses though subjective factors may contribute like pro bono work, recruiting, performance, and so on.
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP Cravath, Swaine & Moore use a lockstep system to determine salaries, which start at $160,000. The firm follows the Cravath scale for bonuses. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y9 $290,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Crowell & Moring LLP Crowell & Moring use both a lockstep system and merit-based approach to determine salaries, which start at $160,000. Bonus amounts vary. $160k N/A Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. 1,900 billable hours must be logged for bonus eligibility.
Davis Polk & Wardwell The starting salary is $160K and a lockstep determines subsequent salaries. Paychecks are only administered once a month. Bonuses for 2012 follow the Cravath scale. There is no required number of billable hours. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP The starting salary is $160K and a lockstep determines subsequent salaries. Paychecks are only administered once a month. Bonuses for 2012 follow the Cravath scale. There is no required number of billable hours. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Dechert LLP Salaries start at $135,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. A lock-step system is used to determine salary. Bonuses are based on merit. Y1 $135,000-$160,000
Y2 $152,500-$170,000
Y3 $160,000-$185,000
Y4 $170,000-$210,000
Y5 $170,000-$230,000
Y6 $190,000-$250,000
Y7 $200,000-$265,000
Y8 $210,000-$280,000
N/A Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Business development Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees) Minimum of 1,950 billable hours is required
Dickstein Shapiro LLP Starting salary of $145,000. A combination lock-step and merit system determines base salary. Bonuses are paid out in December. Y1 $145,000
Y2 $160,000
Discretionary * Merit and discretionary bonuses awarded for productivity, origination and management, and firm-building.
DLA Piper Starting salary is from $105K to $160 depending on the office.Income and bonuses are generally viewed as below market levels. Y1 $105,000-$160,000
Y2 $108,000-$170,000
Y3 $110,000-$185,000
Y4 $128,000-$210,000
Y5 $130,000-$230,000
Y6 $148,000-$250,000
Y7 $155,000-$265,000
Y8 $165,000-$245,000
Discretionary Billable hours and performance determine bonuses.
Dorsey & Whitney LLP Starting salary ranges from $55K to $135K depending on the office. Bonuses are behind market scale and discretionary. Y1 $55,000-$135,000
Y2 $60,000-$150,000
Y3 $65,000-$165,000
Y4 $70,000-$185,000
Y5 $75,000-$200,000
Y6 $80,000-$210,000
Y7 $85,000-$190,000
Discretionary Billable hours and performance though they are mostly discretionary and not transparent.
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP Salaries start at $115,000 to 145,000 depending on the office. Bonuses are less than market scale. $115K to $145k Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Fenwick & West LLP Starting salaries at Fenwich & West are $160,000 at all offices. Bonuses are typically lower than market levels. $160k Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. 1,800 and 1,950 billable hour tracks are available for different salary and bonus potential.
Fish & Richardson P.C . Salaries start from $135,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate salaries are based on a combination lock-step and merit system. Bonuses ranged from $17,500 to above $50,000 in 2009 and even higher bonuses in 2010. Y1 $135,000-$160,000
Y2 $145,000-$170,000
Y3 $150,000-$190,000
Y4 $160,000-$210,000
Y5 $175,000-$230,000
Y6 $180,000-$250,000
Y7 $190,000-$265,000
Y8 $195,000-$280,000
Discretionary Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Business development Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees) 1,900 nets a bonus with every additional 100 hours increasing this amount.
Foley & Lardner LLP Starting salary is from $80,000 to $145,000 depending on the office. Associate salaries is based on a hybrid lockstep system with a tiered system for bonuses. Y1 $80,000-$145,000 Y2 $85,000-$165,000 Y3 $90,000-$175,000 Y4 $95,000-$190,000 Y5 $100,000-$205,000 Y6 $110,000-$225,000 Y7 $150,000 Discretionary Billable hours and performance determine bonuses. The process is not transparent.
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Starting salary is at $160,000. Associate salaries is based on a lockstep system. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Business development Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees)
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson Starting salary of $160,000. Bonuses match market levels and reached up to $52,500 in 2011. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. A minimum of 1,950 hours must be logged to qualify.
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Starting salaries range from $90,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Bonus amounts vary but fall short of market standards. Credit for judicial clerkship. Y1 $90,000-$160,000
Y2 $140,000-$170,000 Y3 $96,000-$172,500
Y4 $160,000-$190,000 Y5 $120,000-$210,000 Y6 $130,000-$225,000 Y7 $185,000-$240,000 Y8 $190,000-$230,000 Y9 $240,000
Y10 $245,000
Discretionary Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Other: Practice Development Projects 1,900 billable hours required
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Starting salary of $160,000. Bonus depends on performance. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees)
Goodwin Procter LLP Goodwin Procter uses a hybrid lockstep system to determine base salary levels, which start at $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office, while including flexibility for merit-based assessments. Bonuses met the Cravath level. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000-$280,000 Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Billable hours (minimum of 1,950 hours) plus overall productivity and efficiency; the nature of investment time; and commitment to professional development
Greenberg Traurig, LLP Starting salaries range from $91,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. The firm uses a combination lockstep and merit-based system to determine salaries. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $91,000-$160,000
Y2 $95,000-$170,000
Y3 $99,000-$185,000
Y4 $103,000-$210,000 Y5 $107,000-$230,000 Y6 $112,000-$250,000
Y7 $120,000-$265,000 Y8 $200,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Hogan Lovells Salary follows a lockstep system starting at $160,000. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. Those that bill 2,000 hours receive a Cravath-level bonus.
Holland & Knight LLP Salaries start from $105,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate base salary is based on a combination lock-step and merit system. Bonuses are discretionary Y1 $105,000-$160,000 Y2 $115,000-$135,000
Y3 $120,000-$155,000 Y4 $125,000-$165,000 Y5 $135,000-$175,000 Y6 $145,000-$185,000 Y7 $155,000-$195,000 Y8 $165,000-$205,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP Salaries start from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate base salary is based on a combination lock-step and merit system. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $200,000-$220,000 Y6 $210,000-$230,000 Y7 $220,000-$240,000 Y8 $255,000 Discretionary Billable hours determine bonuses. At least 1,950 hours are required to qualify.
Hunton & Williams LLP Salaries start from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $145,000-$170,000 Y3 $150,000-$185,000 Y4 $155,000-$210,000 Y5 $160,000-$230,000 Y6 $170,000-$230,000 Y7 $180,000-$250,000 Y8 $190,000-$265,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. Required billable hours is 2,000.
Irell & Manella LLP Starting salaries are at $160,000. Associate salaries are merit-based. Bonuses follow a Cravath scale. $160k Y1 $17,500
Y2 $24,000
Y3 $35,000
Y4 $47,000
Y5 $60,000
A minimum of 2,000 hours required.
Jackson Lewis LLP Starting salaries range from $77,000 to $85,000 depending on the office. This is way below market levels. Bonuses are also below market levels. Y1 $77,000-$85,000
Y2 $92,000
Y3 $100,000
Y4 $108,000
Y5 $116,000
Y6 $124,000
Y7 $132,000
Y8 $140,000
Discretionary Class year determines bonuses. Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Business development Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees) A minimum of 1,900 hours is required.
Jenner & Block LLP Salaries start from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office and switches to merit-based after the first year. Salary determinations are highly subjective as are bonuses. Billable hours are not the basis for bonuses. $145,000-$160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. A minimum of 2,100 hours is required.
Jones Day Starting salaries range from $120,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate compensation at Jones Day is entirely salary, and does not include a bonus component. Y1 $120,000-$160,000 Y2 $137,000-$165,000 Y3 $155,000-$180,000 Y4 $195,000
Y5 $205,000
K&L Gates Starting salaries range from $102,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate salaries are merit-based that takes into account billable hours, quality of work, contribution, performance, and other factors. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $102,000-$160,000 Y2 $107,000-$135,000 Y3 $112,000-$140,000
Y4 $117,000-$145,000
Y5 $122,000-$150,000 Y6 $127,000-$160,000 Y7 $132,000-$170,000 Y8 $165,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. 1,950 hours are required to qualify for a bonus.
Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP Starting salaries of $160,000. $160,000 N/A Factors determining bonus amounts are not clear.
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Starting salary ranges from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Associate salaries are based on class year, billable hours, and performance. Bonus amounts fall behind market levels, however. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $210,000-$230,000 Y6 $225,000-$250,000 Y7 $240,000-$265,000 Y8 $280,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. Minimum billable is at 2,000 hours.
Kaye Scholer LLP Starting salary is from $145,000 to $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $210,000-$230,000 Y6 $225,000-$250,000 Y7 $240,000-$265,000 Y8 $250,000 Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses. 1,950 hours is the minimum requirement to qualify for a bonus.
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Starting salary is $160,000. Associate salaries are based on a merit system. $160,000 Discretionary Hours billed Quality of work Pro bono hours Business development Overall contribution (e.g., recruitment activities, firm committees)
King & Spalding LLP Salaries start at $125,000 to $140,000 depending on the office. A merit system is in place for associate salaries. Y1 $125,000-$140,000 Y2 $135,000-$145,000 Y3 $140,000-$150,000 Y4 $147,000-$160,000 Y5 $157,000-$170,000 Y6 $170,000-$180,000 Y7 $180,000-$185,000 Discretionary Bonuses are determined by performance.
Kirkland & Ellis LLP Kirkland & Ellis has a lockstep system that starts at $160,000. Bonuses follow the Cravath scales. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. Above 2,200 garners increased bonus amounts.
Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP Base salaries begin at $140,000. A lock-step system with variable component (range per class year) determines later associate salaries, $140,000 Discretionary Bonuses are based on billable hours.
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel has a lockstep system that starts at $160,000. Bonuses follow market levels, though they are usually not paid out until February. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Discretionary No minimum number of billable hours, but bonuses depend on performance.
Latham & Watkins LLP Starting salaries start at $160,000 and follows a lock-step system. Bonuses are typically above market levels. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000-$25,000
Y2 $14,000-$33,500
Y3 $20,000-$52,500
Y4 $27,000-$68,000
Y5 $34,000-$61,500
Y6 $40,000-$91,000
Y7 $50,000-$93,509
Y8 $60,000-$77,000
Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. A minimum of 1,900 hours is required to earn the base bonus.
Linklaters LLP Linklaters has a lockstep system with salaries starting at $160,000. $160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Manatt Phelps & Phillips Starting salaries are at $125,000 and later salaries are based on a hybrid lockstep system. Y1 $125,000
Y3 $155,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Mayer Brown LLP Mayer Brown has a hybrid lockstep salary system that starts at $110,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Y1 $110,000-$160,000
Y2 $114,000-$170,000
Y3 $121,000-$185,000 Y4 $130,000-$210,000 Y5 $190,000-$230,000 Y6 $200,000-$250,000 Y7 $210,000-$265,000 Y8 $215,000-$280,000
Discretionary Hours billed Pro bono hours Business development Legal training
McDermott, Will & Emery Starting pay range from $105,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Bonus amounts are discretionary. Y1 $105,000-$160,000 Y2 $115,000-$170,000
Y3 $125,000-$185,000 Y4 $140,000-$210,000 Y5 $165,000-$230,000 Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
McGuireWoods LLP Starting salary is $110,000 to $165,000 depending on the office. After the first year, assessments resulting in pay raises are based on billable hours, pro bono, quality, performance, and other factors. Bonuses tend to be below market levels though working more hours will garner a higher payout. Y1 $100,000-$165,000 Y5 $132,500 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy uses a lockstep system to determine salaries, which start at $160,000. Bonuses for 2012 are based on the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Morgan Lewis uses a hybrid lockstep system with starting salaries at $105,000 to $160,000, depending on the office. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $105,000-$160,000 Y2 $150,000-$170,000 Y3 $160,000-$185,000 Y4 $170,000-$210,000 Y5 $180,000-$230,000 Y6 $250,000
Y7 $240,000-$265,000 Y8 $240,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Morrison & Foerster LLP Morrison & Foerster has a lockstep system with salaries starting at $$105,000 to $160,000, depending on the office. The firm follows market levels for bonuses, with more being awarded to those who bill a high number of hours and perform well. Y1 $105,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $210,000-$230,000 Y6 $230,000-$250,000 Y7 $245,000-$265,000 Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Munger, Tolles & Olson uses a lockstep system with salaries starting at $160,000. $160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, including billable hours, quality of work, and other factors.
Nixon Peabody LLP Nixon Peabody uses a hybrid lockstep system that starts at $95,000 to $160,000 depending on the odffice. Raises are dependent on performance. Bonus worth 30% of salary is possible. $95,000-$160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
O'Melveny & Myers LLP O'Melveny has a lockstep system with salaries starting at $160,000. Bonuses are based on performance. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. 1,950 hours is the minimum to qualify.
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Starting salaries range from $125,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Advancement is based on a lock-step system. Bonuses for 2012 generally followed the Cravath scale. Y1 $125,000-$160,000 Y2 $135,000-$170,000 Y3 $150,000-$185,000 Y4 $165,000-$210,000 Y5 $185,000-$230,000 Y6 $195,000-$250,000 Y7 $205,000-$265,000 Y8 $210,000-$280,000 Y1 $9,000-$12,500
Y2 $12,600-$16,500
Y3 $18,000-$25,000
Y4 $24,300-$37,000
Y5 $30,600-$44,000
Y6 $36,000-$50,000
Y7 $45,000-$60,000
Y8 $54,000-$70,000
Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. There is no minimum billable hours requirement, though pro bono work factors in.
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler has a merit-based system with salaries starting at $160,000. Bonuses are discretionary. $160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and performance determine bonus. Special bonuses given to those that log more than 2,100 hours.
Patton Boggs LLP Patton Boggs uses a hybrid lockstep system to determine salaries. Starting salaries range from $130,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Bonuses depend on several factors. Y1 $130,000-$160,000 Y2 $135,000-$170,000 Y3 $145,000-$185,000 Y4 $155,000-$210,000 Y5 $165,000-$230,000 Y6 $175,000-$250,000 Y7 $185,000-$265,000 Y8 $195,000-$280,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Paul Hastings LLP Starting salaries are at $160,000. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $165,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $175,000-$210,000 Y5 $185,000-$230,000 Y6 $200,000-$250,000 Y7 $215,000-$265,000 Y8 $230,000-$280,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. Minimum 1,950 hours to qualify.
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison uses a lockstep system to determine associate salaries, starting at $160,000. Bonuses follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Perkins Coie LLP Starting salaries range from $80,000 to $145,000 depending on the office. After that, merit plays a role in class year salary. Bonuses include equity in an investment plan. Y1 $80,000-$145,000
Y2 $85,000-$102,000
Y3 $95,000-$105,000
Y4 $100,500-$108,000 Y5 $102,000-$111,000
Y6 $112,500-$115,000
Y7 $120,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, including productivity.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw & Pittman has a lockstep system with salaries starting at $125,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Raises made each year depend on performance. Y1 $125,000-$160,000 Y2 $135,000-$145,000 Y3 $145,000-$160,000 Y4 $155,000-$175,000 Y5 $175,000-$195,000 Y6 $185,000-$195,000 Y7 $185,000-$195,000 Y8 $195,000-$200,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, including productivity. Minimum billable hours required is 1,950.
Proskauer Rose LLP Proskauer Rose has a lockstep system that start at $97,500 to $160,000 depending on the location of the office. Bonuses follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $97,500-$160,000
Y2 $120,000-$170,000 Y3 $130,000-$185,000 Y4 $140,000-$210,000 Y5 $150,000-$230,000 Y6 $160,000-$250,000 Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonus amount.
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP Salaries start at $160,000. Bonuses generally follows the Cravath scale plus additional amounts for hours billed beyond the minimum required. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y9 $290,000
Y1 $7,500-$15,000
Y2 $10,500-$20,000
Y3 $15,000-$27,000
Y4 $20,250-$35,000
Y5 $25,500-$43,000
Y6 $30,000-$50,000
Y7 $37,500-$60,000
Y8 $45,000-$70,000
Class year and billable hours determines bonus amount with a 2,100 hour minimum.
Ropes & Gray LLP First year salaries range from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. The firm follows a lockstep system for determining base salaries. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $200,000-$210,000 Y5 $225,000-$230,000 Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. A minimum of 1,900 hours is required.
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP Salaries start at $160,000. Bonuses are discretionary. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Discretionary Class and billable hours year determines bonus amount with a 2,000-hour minimum.
Shearman & Sterling LLP Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year, billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Sidley Austin LLP Salaries start from $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. The firm uses a hybrid lockstep system to determine salaries and advancement. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $210,000-$230,000 Y6 $225,000-$250,000 Y7 $240,000-$265,000 Y8 $280,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process isn't transparent. Minimum 2,000 hours are needed for full market-rate bonus
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y9 $290,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonus amounts.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year and billable hours determine bonus amounts.
SNR Denton (Now Dentons ) Dentons uses a lockstep salary system that starts at $145,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $155,000-$170,000 Y3 $170,000-$185,000 Y4 $190,000-$210,000 Y5 $210,000-$230,000 Y6 $225,000-$250,000 Y7 $240,000-$265,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Squire Sanders Squire, Sanders & Dempsey uses a merit-based system to determine salaries, which start at $120,000 to $145,000 depending on the office. Y1 $120,000 - $145,000
Y2 $125,000
Y3 $130,000
Y4 $140,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Steptoe & Johnson LLP Salaries start at $125,000 to $145,000 depending on the office. Bonuses falls below the market, though a supplemental bonus system does award additional money to those who bring new business to the firm. Y1 $125,000-$145,000 Y2 $155,000
Y3 $170,000-$175,000 Y4 $185,000-$190,000 Y5 $205,000-$210,000 Y6 $215,000-$225,000 Y7 $225,000-$230,000 Y8 $235,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP Salaries start at $105,000 to $160,000 depending on the office. Stroock & Stroock & Lavan uses a lockstep scale to determine associate salaries. Y1 $105,000-$160,000 Y2 $160,000-$170,000 Y3 $175,000-$185,000 Y4 $180,000-$210,000 Y5 $200,000-$230,000 Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Discretionary Class year, billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. 1,900 hours is the minimum requirement.
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Special bonuses are also occasionally awarded in the spring. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000-$270,000 Y8 $290,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Venable LLP Salaries at Venable vary depending on class and merit, but they start at $145,000. Bonuses fall below the market. Y1 $145,000
Y2 $155,000
Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses.
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P. Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses. For senior associates, bonus levels are higher at 1,950, 2,150, and 2,300 hours.
Wachtell Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz uses a lockstep system to determine salaries, which start at $165,000. Bonuses are a percentage of an associate's base salary. $165k Discretionary Bonuses are determined by salary percentage
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Starting salary is at $160,000. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $160,000
2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
White & Case LLP Starting salary is at $125,000 to $160,000. Associate salaries after is based on a hybrid lockstep system. Bonus amounts follow the Cravath scale. Y1 $125,000-$160,000 Y2 $135,000-$170,000 Y3 $150,000-$185,000 Y4 $170,000-$210,000 Y5 $190,000-$230,000 Y6 $205,000-$250,000 Y7 $220,000-$265,000 Y8 $210,000-$230,000 Y1 $10,000
Y2 $14,000
Y3 $20,000
Y4 $27,000
Y5 $34,000
Y6 $40,000
Y7 $50,000
Y8 $60,000
Class year determines bonuses.
Williams & Connolly LLP Williams & Connolly uses at lockstep system to determine salaries, which start at $140,00 for first year associates. Bonuses are not awarded and are built into the base salary, instead. Y1 $140,000
Y2 $150,000
Y3 $170,000
Y4 $180,000
Y5 $190,000
Y6 $200,000
Y7 $210,000
Y8 $220,000
N/A No bonuses are awarded.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Willkie Farr & Gallagher uses a lockstep system to determine salaries in its U.S.-based offices starting at $160,000. Bonuses are discretionary Y1 $160,000
Y2 $170,000
Y3 $185,000
Y4 $210,000
Y5 $230,000
Y6 $250,000
Y7 $265,000
Y8 $280,000
Discretionary Class year determines bonuses.
WilmerHale Starting salaries at WilmerHale are $160,000 and uses a lock-step system for determining later associate salaires. $160,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent.
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Salaries start from $145,000 to $160,000. The firm uses a hybrid lockstep and merit-based system to determine salaries. Y1 $145,000-$160,000 Y2 $150,000-$155,000 Y3 $160,000-$170,000 Y4 $170,000-$190,000 Y5 $190,000-$210,000 Y6 $200,000-$215,000 Y7 $215,000-$225,000 Y8 $240,000, Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, though the process is not transparent. Bonus levels cap at 1900, 2100, and 2400 hours.
Winston & Strawn LLP Starting salaries range from $125,000 to $160,000. The firm uses a lockstep system to determine salaries. Y1 $125,000-$160,000 Y2 $135,000-$170,000 Y3 $150,000-$185,000 Y4 $165,000-$210,000 Y5 $185,000-$230,000 Y6 $195,000-$250,000 Y7 $265,000 Y8 $280,000 Discretionary Billable hours and subjective conditions determine bonuses, including pro bono, quality of work, contribution and other factors. The process is not transparent. Over 2,200 hours nets an additional bonus.


Please see the following articles for more information about attorney salaries:

Alternative Summary

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