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Your Attorney Resume: Use a Statement of Qualifications and a Cover Letter Instead of an Objective

published February 11, 2008

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Some experts think that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding whether to place an objective on your resume — that it is your choice alone and depends upon what your goals and circumstances are.

Those experts are dead wrong.

The most basic answer is that an objective statement says the same thing no matter how you phrase it or where you send it: "I want to do legal work for you." So why take up valuable space on your resume to make that statement?

There are two mistakes attorneys commonly make when writing objectives: "too general" and "too selfish."

Too General

Many attorneys approach the objective statement from a one-size-fits-all angle. But it needs to be specific in order to create the desired effect. Simply writing that you are looking for a brand-new chance to apply your strong legal skill set in a demanding legal environment will not pique the interest of anyone.

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Also, note that objectives can be limiting. If you state that you are interested in a specific type of practice, the employer may not even stop to think that you might be qualified for or be interested in another position within the firm or company. Even if you are an ace attorney all around with more than 20 years of experience in several legal arenas, if you write in your objective that you want to work in a major firm's real estate office, it might get missed that you would or could as expertly work for their commercial practice.

Too Selfish

The employer doesn't want to hear one word from you about anything concerning how the firm will benefit you (e.g., "A recent graduate from New York Law School looking to gain real-world experience at O'Melveny & Myers"). Never tell the employer on the resume, in the cover letter, or during the interview that your objective is based on something you want. Ask yourself first what you can bring to the proverbial table. Consider the employer's perspective, not your own.

Instead of an objective, use a cover letter and a summary of qualifications (or profile).

Cover Letters

Some employers mention them in their ads, and some do not. Those who do not suggest cover letters assume that you know you should send one. Employers require that you send a cover letter with your resume because they want some kind of brief establishment as to why you are sending your resume and that you did not do so by accident or for no solid reason. Your cover letter provides an outstanding opportunity to tell the employer what you cannot on your resume. This includes your objective.

The following are some tips on including your objective in your cover letter:
  • Establish what kind of legal professional you are and what expertise you offer.
  • Inform the potential employer of what your career goal is and/or what specific position you seek.
  • Call the position by its official name and state the firm or company name as well.
  • Demonstrate how your qualifications will meet their needs.
  • Be specific with all information and make sure it's all relevant.

Summary of Qualifications

A summary of qualifications (or a profile) can be a nice touch and serve the same purpose as an objective statement.

A summary at the top of the resume (below the name and contact information) is ideal for experienced attorneys because it offers a snapshot of all of the candidate's skills and expertise and will better entice the employer to read the details throughout the rest of the resume.

The summary states who you are (e.g., "A dynamic, versatile legal professional with expertise in real estate and corporate transactions"), what your skills and previous experiences are (e.g., "Demonstrated proficiency in contract negotiations. Experienced in securities litigation and commercial transactions"), and any licenses or professional affiliations that may apply. Summaries can be between one and five sentences but should be no more than six lines long.

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A cover letter and a statement of qualifications are often the first things that potential employers will see in your application for employment at their firm, and they should be designed to get straight to the point about your purpose, which is that you have the skills and the experience they are looking for to build their firm.

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