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Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

published April 01, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

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Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
1540 Broadway,
New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212 858 1000 Fax: 212 858 1500

Main areas of work

Regulatory: Whether working with a start-up, a company in growth mode or a market leader, Pillsbury's lawyers help companies limit risk, achieve compliance, defend against investigations, advocate for new laws and challenge restrictions.

Litigation: Pillsbury's litigators handle complex commercial cases, matters of public interest, intellectual property challenges, tax controversies, insurance policyholder disputes, environmental claims, securities class actions, construction disputes, and a wide variety of other assignments.

Business: Pillsbury's business teams partner with clients to help find capital, organize new companies, secure patents, purchase real estate, negotiate contracts, challenge competitors, guide investments, protect data, limit liability, outsource support services, minimize taxes, establish policies, and expand markets.

Firm profile

Pillsbury is a full-service law firm with a keen industry focus on energy and natural resources, financial services, real estate and construction, and technology. Based in the world's major financial, technology and energy centers, Pillsbury counsels clients on global regulatory, litigation and corporate matters. Our firm's talent was recognized with 70 Tier 1 rankings in the 2014 Best Lawyers/US News & World Report survey.

Recruitment details
  • Number of 1st year associates: 29
  • Number of 2nd year associates: 25

Associate salaries
  • 1st year: $160,000
  • 2nd year: $170,000

Clerking policy: Yes

Law Schools attending for OCIs in 2014:

University of California, Berkeley; University of Chicago; Columbia; Fordham; George Washington; Georgetown; Harvard; University of California, Hastings; Hofstra; University of Houston; Howard University; Loyola Law School, Los Angeles; University of Michigan; Northwestern; New York University; University of Pennsylvania; Stanford; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Southern California; University of Texas; University of Virginia.

Summer details

Summer associate profile:

Pillsbury seeks energetic, high-performing students who possess sound judgment, determination, common sense, excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to inspire confidence, and the drive to produce high quality work and achieve outstanding results. The firm hires students who are strongly committed to a career in practice.

Summer program components:

Pillsbury's summer associates experience the firm's collaborative style by working side-by-side with attorneys in a variety of practice areas, on industry and client teams, and on issue-specific projects. Pillsbury University offers training on everything from legal writing to client service basics to effective networking. Formal reviews supplement the extemporaneous feedback provided to summer associates by our lawyers.

Pillsbury New York City officeHead Office: New York, NY
Number of domestic offices: 13
Number of international offices: 4
Worldwide revenue: $543,500,000
Partners (US): 343
Associates (US): 184

Main Recruitment Contact: Melissa Eurton, Director of Firmwide
On-Campus Recruiting Hiring Partner: Thomas C. Hill
Recruitment website:
Diversity officer: Rosa Walker, Director of Diversity and Inclusion

Summer Salary 2014
1Ls: $3077/week
2Ls: $3077/week
Post 3Ls: $3077/week

1Ls hired? No
Split summers offered? Yes, but not preferred
Can summers spend time in overseas office? Case by case

Summers 2014: 35
Offers/acceptances 2013: 27 offers and 25 acceptances
( 34 votes, average: 4.9 out of 5)
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