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The University of Houston Law Center

published August 18, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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In its youth, the law school lacked a base and was housed in a number of locations on the university's campus. However, in 1969, the temporary classrooms were replaced with the Law Center's current location, on the northeast corner of the campus.

US News and World Report currently ranks the law school at No. 56, along with three other top-tier law schools that also hold the same rank.

The law school's course offerings are among the largest in the US, thus allowing for focused concentrations while also preparing students for a career in nearly any legal area. Furthermore, the Law Center offers one of the lowest student/faculty ratios in the nation, with less than 30 students in the majority of the school's classes.

A total of eight public law schools boast at least three nationally recognized programs and UHLC happens to be one of them. The school's health law, intellectual property, and part-time programs have received national recognition.

The Law Center's eight specialty programs include the Institute for Intellectual Property and Information Law; Health Law & Policy Institute; Center for Consumer Law; Center for Children, Law & Policy; Center for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Law; Criminal Justice Institute; Institute for Higher Education Law and Governance; and the Blakely Advocacy Institute.

The school offers a variety of dual degree program options for students to wish to earn two degrees in a condensed time frame. The university's dual degree programs include the following: JD/MBA with the University of Houston College of Business, JD/MA in History with the University of Houston, JD/MSW with the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, JD/ MPH with the University of Texas Health Science Center, JD/MD with Baylor College of Medicine, JD/Ph.D in Medical Humanities with the University of Texas Medical Branch and Galveston, and the JD/Ph.D in Criminal Justice with Sam Houston State University.

The University of Houston Law Center offers six specialized LL.M programs, which include Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law; Health Law; Intellectual Property and Information Law; International Law; Tax Law; and the Foreign Scholars LL.M Program.

UHLC students have access to a variety of clinical programs that offer the opportunity to gain functional legal experience. Clinic offerings include, but are not limited to, the civil practice clinic, immigration clinic, consumer law clinic, transactional clinic, criminal practice clinic mediation clinic/externship, and the domestic violence clinic.

The O'Quinn Law Library boasts more than 435,000 volumes, in addition to a vast collection of both electronic and classic resources. Although, it suffered a loss of more than 174,000 of its books, as well as its microfiche collection to Tropical Storm Allison in 2001, the library's lost resources have now been replaced. The library is recognized as one of the top legal research facilities within the area. As a US government depository, the O'Quinn Law Library provides access to federal government publications within selective subject areas.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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