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Expected Growth and Demand for Attorney Jobs

published September 29, 2008

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Attorneys act both as advisors and advocates, representing parties in criminal and civil trials and counseling clients about legal obligations and rights. Lawyers may argue and present evidence in court in support of their clients, suggest particular courses of action when it comes to personal and business matters, and perform extensive research about laws and legal decisions. It is the attorney's job to apply the law to his or her client's specific circumstances.

Expected Growth And Demand For Attorney Jobs

Types of Attorneys and Skills Required

Attorney jobs can require a variety of specific skills, depending on the given attorney's specialization and specific position. While any lawyer is licensed to represent clients in court, some appear in court much more frequently than others. For instance, trial lawyers specialize in court appearances. This means that they must have the ability to think on their feet, as well as the ability to speak easily and authoritatively. However, even trial lawyers spend most of their time outside of courtrooms. That's because researching, doing interviews with witnesses and clients, and preparing cases for trial take up most of their time.

In addition to trial lawyers, there are a number of other specialized attorney jobs available. They include environmental, elder, probate, international, bankruptcy, personal injury, and patent lawyer jobs, among others. Each has its own specific skills and knowledge required to perform the job.

For instance, an environmental lawyer might represent waste disposal companies, special interest groups, construction firms, and other organizations when dealing with the EPA and other government agencies. These lawyers may help defend their clients against fines or accusations of wrongdoing, or assist them in applying for licenses and approvals.

Intellectual property attorney jobs are one fast growing area. IP lawyers are involved in helping to protect artwork, copyrights, computer programs, product designs, patents, and more for their clients. Insurance lawyers may work as advisors for their client companies, helping them to find policies that protect them but also conform to the law. Insurance attorney jobs also involve reviewing claims when they're filed against the companies and representing such clients in court when necessary.

Most attorneys are in private practice and concentrate on criminal and civil law. Criminal law attorney jobs involve representing individuals who've been charged with crimes. Attorneys who specialize in civil law are more likely to assist clients with wills, contracts, trusts, leases, titles, mortgages, and litigation. Some lawyers only handle cases they feel are in the public interest. They concentrate on civil or criminal cases relating to a particular cause. There are even lawyers employed full-time by a single client. When this client is a corporation, the attorney is called an in-house counsel. These attorney jobs involve advising the company about legal issues that relate to its activities.

Many attorneys are also employed by the government. These attorney jobs include working for state attorneys general, acting as public defenders or prosecutors in criminal courts, investigating cases for the Department of Justice or other government agencies, developing programs and legislation, and arguing on behalf of the government in court.

<<Work Environment for Attorney Jobs

Most attorney jobs are located in law libraries, courtrooms, and offices. However, lawyers may also need to meet clients in their homes or businesses, or even in prisons and hospitals. Attorneys travel to gather evidence, attend meetings, and appear before courts and other authorities. While a case is being tried, heavy pressure may be felt by the lawyers involved, and court preparation can require significant research.

While salaried lawyers generally have structured work schedules, those in private practice may work irregular hours doing research, conducting client conferences, and in brief preparation. Most lawyers work long hours, with nearly 40% working more than fifty hours each week.

Qualifications and Advancement

Formal requirements for attorney jobs include a four-year undergraduate degree, three years of law school, and passing the written bar exam for the jurisdiction in which the given lawyer wishes to practice. Additional requirements vary by state, and admission to law schools is intense. High proficiency in speaking and writing, research, analysis, logical thinking, and other important skills are required to succeed, both in law school and in attorney jobs. Students interested in a particular aspect of the law may also wish to take specific courses. For instance, patent lawyers should have a strong background in science or engineering.

Most beginning attorney jobs are salaried positions, such as associate positions in a private firm. After several years, some associates will become partners, others will go on to practice for themselves, and still others will take another type of attorney job. Experienced lawyers may, for example, be nominated to become judges or opt to become faculty and administrators at law schools. On average, lawyers make around $100,000 per year, but some may earn significantly more, depending on their position and experience.


For those willing to put in the effort and to develop the skills and qualifications required, attorney jobs are a great opportunity. However, they require dedication, the ability to face strong competition, and the desire to work long hours for one's career.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

About LawCrossing

LawCrossing has received tens of thousands of attorneys jobs and has been the leading legal job board in the United States for almost two decades. LawCrossing helps attorneys dramatically improve their careers by locating every legal job opening in the market. Unlike other job sites, LawCrossing consolidates every job in the legal market and posts jobs regardless of whether or not an employer is paying. LawCrossing takes your legal career seriously and understands the legal profession. For more information, please visit
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