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A Career as an Attorney in Reinsurance Companies

published September 18, 2008

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The issue of bad faith conduct by insurance companies towards their customers has been a big issue of late, especially in numerous US courts. A great many disputes, in fact, arising from insurance companies’ denials of claims have ended up in court. Of course, the courts are also meant to protect insurance companies from fraudulent claims. All of these disputes, in any event, are usually dealt with by reinsurance attorneys. Reinsurance attorneys are the ones who try different kinds of cases arising from the insurance industry.
A Career as an Attorney in Reinsurance Companies

With over 300 litigation attorneys, Hunton & Williams is one of the best law firms one can work for as far as reinsurance attorney jobs are concerned. The firm is among the very best in the United States, having been in operation for more than 100 years. With more than 1,000 total attorneys in several different offices worldwide, the Hunton & Williams litigation team ranks among the best and strongest in the US. During the last decade, Hunton & Williams was able to handle litigation cases in not only 48 different US states but also in several different countries around the world. The firm has handled more than 10,000 different litigation cases in the last ten years. Hunton & Williams is certainly one law firm that is ideal for anyone intending to practice law as a reinsurance attorney.

Interested in these kinds of jobs? Click here to find Insurance jobs.

<<Pinsent Masons is another very good law firm that has a worldwide appeal. They handle individual, corporate, and commercial litigation services. Pinsent Masons has over 1,000 reinsurance attorneys, as well as over 280 partners who have contributed to its being ranked among the top one hundred global law firms. Though headquartered in the United Kingdom, Pinsent Mason’s international reputation has grown so much that many non-British attorneys apply for legal jobs with the firm. The law firm continues to have a lot of potential for expansion and still hires qualified applicants from all over the world. Pinsent Masons key areas of specialization are insurance and reinsurance. So, apart from being well equipped to provide high-quality assistance and advice on each and every aspect of insurance, they have reinsurance services as well. These range from resolving major disputes through policy wording to creating new products and both making claims and refuting false claims.

With so many law firms practicing claims and litigation, the opportunities for being employed as a reinsurance attorney are quite good since litigation and claims touch everyone’s daily lives. Due to the nature of the work involved in claims, there is always a need to hire more personnel to get the work done. Claims work in general is quite involved, and firms typically require a great many people to handle it effectively. The legal job prospects in the reinsurance industry are quite promising given that there are so many law firms that are now practicing reinsurance. It is one area of legal practice that will almost certainly keep on expanding.

Though most attorneys are self-employed, there are those that are government-employed. The most well paid reinsurance attorneys are those that work for big corporations with high-profile clients, while government attorneys typically receive the lowest salaries. In 2006, attorneys who were working for private companies were earning $128,610 per year on average, while attorneys who were working for state governments were earning $75,840 per year. The location, size, and type of employer will also factor into the salary one gets.

Interested in these kinds of jobs? Click here to find Insurance jobs.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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