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How to Prepare for the Bar Exam: Some Helpful Tips for Law Students

published August 11, 2008

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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<<After graduation, it is imperative that the law student's primary focus be on studying for the bar exam. The student's ability to pass the exam serves as an immediate extension of the hard work and effort exerted during law school; as such, it deserves — and requires — intense concentration. Future lawyers occasionally appear to misunderstand or deny the significance of studying for the bar exam — especially those students who graduated at the top of their class. Furthermore, if students do well on their finals, they feel that the bar exam will be a simple task.

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Yet law students must practice discipline in order to be completely satisfied with their performance on the exam. Undoubtedly, the anxiety associated with taking — and passing — the bar exam is immense; thus, many law students adjust their lifestyles to accommodate the concept and reality of the bar exam. The most significant step toward success is to simply identify methods that will enable them to prepare effectively for the exam. Initially, many students are frustrated because of the financial obligation they have due to the cost of the exam. Students often have to consider the cost of specialized preparation courses as well — all of this on the heels of investing a significant amount of money on three years of tuition, books, and lost wages. Thus, students must understand and believe that, upon passing the bar exam, such expenses will be recovered in paid wages in no time.

The law school graduate should treat bar exam preparation as a full-time job. Indeed, preparing for the bar exam requires establishing firm objectives and goals, which should include being confident about passing the exam. Passing the exam depends on maintaining a schedule of studying at least 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. Because of the perplexing dynamics of the exam, it is critical that the schedule is preserved throughout this process. This may require modifying one's lifestyle, which will make a tremendous difference in the outcome. The student has approximately two months to study for the exam; therefore, it is important to prioritize. The student should eliminate any potential distractions, and any family members, friends, new relationships, or even vacation plans must be placed on hold during these two months of preparation.

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Although specialized preparation courses are extremely expensive, they are not optional. Rather, they are an absolute necessity for those who wish to pass the bar. Companies offering such courses are personable and have a vested interest in ensuring that students pass the exam. They offer realistic and effective practice questions through the use of tailored online questioners, outlines, and flashcards that expose students to actual bar exam material. Generally, the companies monitor the latest templates and exams to create compelling responses, explanations, and concise tips.

Ultimately, the most important step is to be proactive. Future attorneys should make practice exams an integral part of their routines. Practical preparation involves a timed exam that includes MBE questions, essays, and performance testing under pressure.

Future attorneys can limit the frustrations and stresses of bar exam preparation if they are disciplined, consistent, and determined. By the last week of July, many law students will be intensely involved in capitalizing on their accomplishments. It is extremely important that students start exam day off stress free. Panicking will not lead to the desired results. Ultimately, remaining calm and concentrating on the efforts exerted during the past months of preparation will provide just rewards.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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