Franchise Attorney Job Description
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- Legal Job Description
- Franchise Attorney Job Description
'A Franchise attorney deals with the law as it relates to the business model known as franchising. Franchising is the process by which a company with a brand known as a "franchisor" grants a third party known as a "franchisee" the right to operate a business using that brand. Franchising is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission and both federal and state laws. A Franchise attorney assists clients in all aspects of franchising transactions, including providing legal advice and drafting contracts.
Here are a few sample franchise attorney job descriptions:
Franchise Attorney:
The candidate should have 2 years of transactional franchise licensing experience.
Franchise Attorney
The candidate would support Upscale Brands; negotiate franchise agreements with franchisee attorneys; assist with legal research and writing projects; review development advertising and presentations for legal compliance; work with litigation attorneys and paralegals in connection with franchisee compliance (defaults and terminations); oversee annual renewal and registration of the Franchise Disclosure Document.
The candidate should have JD degree and Bar membership is required; 4-7 years of legal experience, including 2+ years of relevant experience in franchise law; have demonstrated ability to master and thrive in new areas of law and new industries; industry experience in the hotel/hospitality/franchise industries (legal or business experience) not required but a significant plus; have excellent communication (verbal and written), drafting and negotiating skills; strong business acumen, problem solving skills and legal judgment; must have exceptional customer focus and approachability; must have exceptional organizational skills and the ability to consistently prioritize, coordinate and satisfy numerous competing demands and successfully achieve deadline driven results that effectively achieve business objectives; proven ability to be open to change and agile in a dynamic environment; strong sense of urgency; proactive self-starter with a willingness and ability to alternatively assume 'first chair' or 'second chair' legal role in the negotiation, preparation and review of a wide range of franchise-related agreements; have willingness and desire to learn and understand the Company's various business departments and operations to build effective 'business partnerships' with internal clients and drive results; be a solid team player with strong interpersonal skills and a proven ability to collaborate and deal effectively with others, including senior management, peers, support staff and internal clients; must be able to uphold Values & Performance Principles of collaboration, performance excellence, sense of urgency, openness to new ideas, inclusion & diversity, integrity, customer focus, and respect.'
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