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Second Year Law Student Steven P. Minks Wants to be a Public Interest Attorney

published January 18, 2013

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Personal Life

Mississippi College School of Law student Steven P. Minks
Steven P. Minks is a second year law student at Mississippi College School of Law and anticipates a May 2014 graduation. Although Steven would not exclude criminal law, civil litigation and worker’s compensation law, the student plans on becoming a public interest attorney who practices in Oklahoma and Arkansas. He decided to attended law school because he believes the law is a noble profession that brings great rewards, both economic and spiritual, to lawyer and client.

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Steven was born and raised in San Bernardino, California. He is the youngest of three siblings. Steven is married and is a proud parent of a twenty-two month-old girl named Savanna. He graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Justice and minored in Political Science from the University of Arkansas Fort Smith in 2010. Steven was the recipient of the University of Arkansas Fort Smith Academic Excellence Award for Criminal Justice.

Steven is currently the Director of Pubic Relations for Public Interest Law Group at Mississippi College School of Law. He has held the executive board position for the past two years and is a spokesperson who is responsible for speaking at each event. The law student is a member of the Black Law Student Association, an organization that competes in mock trials. He is also a member of the Advocacy Society, an organization that comes together to discuss advocacy. In addition, as a 2L, Steven tried out and successfully became a member of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Team. The team presented before a three judge panel in an appellate setting.

The second year law student volunteers his time at Mission First Legal Aid Clinic, where he provides legal service to indigent people. After sixty hours of community service, Steven will graduate with distinction from Mississippi College School of Law and will also earn a pro bono certificate for volunteering his time at Mission First.

Steven serves as a law clerk to a BV rated attorney at Morgan & Morgan, P.A. (Alan C. Goodman). He drafts and files legal documents and assists clients with their claims.

When Steven isn’t studying, he enjoys politics, boxing, jiu-jitsu and judo. He believes Henry Armstrong is the greatest boxer of all time since he won championships in three or more different divisions and was the only boxer to hold three lineal world championships at the same time. Steven used to be a drummer and lead vocalist in a punk band for seven years. One of his favorite authors is George Orwell.

Steven’s Academic Law Career and Future Aspirations

Steven was asked, “Would you like to share with us your aims and aspirations?” He said the following: “I would like to be engaged in public interest work, criminal law, and/or civil litigation.”

What are Steven’s key accomplishments? He asserted, “My beautiful daughter and lovely wife.”

Steven discussed his key strengths and skills that he would like to use to advance his career goals. These include his “combination of people skills and bulldog tenacity.” He continued to say that once he sets his mind on something, he is very aggressive toward reaching his goal.

As to his weakness, Steven claimed, “I would like to improve all aspects of my character. Anyone who thinks it is not necessary to do so is mistaken.”

Since law school can be hectic at times, Steven pointed out that he relieves stress through prayer and meditation. The candid law student explained that prayer and mediation are similar and individuals release themselves through both processes, even if they are not associated with a religion. Steven noted that prayer and mediation lowers blood pressure and releases stress.

Many readers are probably wondering how Steven handles new assignments. The second year law student shared his process. “I try to find the best way I come up with to get a job done. Then I compare it to how successful people do the same thing.”

Where does Steven derive his confidence? He replied, “It just comes natural.” Steven acknowledged that he is a fairly confident person. He mentioned that there is a difference between cockiness and confidence and he knows he is confident.

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Affiliation to Professional Institutions, Three Wishes to Live By and Dealing with Fear

Steven is a member of the American Bar Association and National Black Law Student Association.

If Steven had three wishes, he would wish for world peace, global financial stability, and good health for his family.

How does Steven deal with fear? He stated, “I use it as a motivating force to achieve my goals.”

Legal Role Models, Personal Philosophy, People You Want to Surround Yourself With and Favorite Quote

Steven discussed four legal role models he respects greatly. He admires Clarence Thomas who is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He is the second African American to serve on the Court. Steven believes Thomas is the most libertarian of the Justices. He respects Thomas because he grew up poor and his family spoke Gullah as a first language. Steven also admires Thomas because his views are similar to the founding fathers.

Steven looks up to Richard "Racehorse" Haynes, a Texas criminal defense attorney. Time magazine once called Haynes one of the top six criminal lawyers in the United States. Steven admires Haynes for being vibrant, well spoken and sophisticated.

The law student praised Johnnie Cochran, who was an American attorney best known for his leadership role in the defense and criminal acquittal of O.J. Simpson. Cochran went on to represent well-known celebrities, which included Michael Jackson, Sean Combs, Snoop Dogg, Jim Brown, Todd Bridges, Tupac Shakur and Riddick Bowe. Steven respects Cochran for being an amazing defense attorney.

Steven also praises Jose Baez, an American attorney who has handled a number of high profile cases, but is best known as the lead counsel for Casey Anthony. Steven admires Baez because he made a name for himself as one of America’s best defense lawyers.

What is Steven’s personal philosophy? He stated, “Libertarianism and Christian rationalism.”

The future attorney talked about what he believes holds more truth in light of his personal philosophy. Was it fate or choice? Steven said he believes in choice. He explained he doesn’t believe in fate or destiny. Instead, the law student believes each individual lives with the decisions they make.

What kind of situations and people is Steven attracted to? What kind of situations and people does the law student avoid? He answered, “Intelligent people and exciting situations.” As for situations and people to avoid, Steven replied, “I see no reason to avoid people or situations. The trick is learning how to deal with difficult people and situations.”

Steven’s favorite quote is by Frédéric Bastiat: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it,
and a moral code that glorifies it.”

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