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1L Ovsanna Mkhchian: Spunk and Heart in Law

published December 31, 2007

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Raised in Glendale, CA, Armenian Mkhchian chose to attend law school right after completing her undergraduate education at Loyola Marymount University, from which she earned a business administration degree with an emphasis in business law and management.

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"It's something I've always wanted to do," exclaims Mkhchian about law school.

Now in her first year at the University of La Verne College of Law, Mkhchian enjoys her courses, even through the stress of it all.

"I honestly cannot discriminate amongst any of my classes at this point. I like them all equally because they are all new to me, and my knowledge in each of the courses is at about the same level," she says enthusiastically. "They are all equally interesting and intriguing!"

Obtaining a scholarship to ULV helped 23-year-old Mkhchian fund her law school dreams, and she is happy with her decision to attend the university.

"The small class sizes are unique to the school, which enables students to have one-on-one contact with the professors," she explains. "[What I enjoy the most is] the law itself and the different ways in which it is applied, either by the different courts or different states."

Mkhchian just finished her first-semester finals, which meant she was able to have some fun away from the books.

"We went out to celebrate our survival through the first semester with margaritas and laughs," she says.

Now relieved and ready for her second semester to get underway, Mkhchian is still deciding what direction she wants her legal career to take.

"At this point I am keeping my options open because I know I will learn a lot before I graduate," she says. "I am highly interested in entertainment law, business law, and employment law. We'll see where the path takes me."
Q. What do you do for fun?
A. I teach rhythmic gymnastics to cute little girls for an Armenian nonprofit organization. That's about all the time I have outside of law school.
Q. What CD is in your CD player right now?
A. J-Lo's "Que Hiciste."
Q. What is the last magazine you read?
A. Oh my God ... ABA Journal.
Q. What is your favorite TV show?
A. ER, House, Law and Order, Grey's Anatomy, Friends.
Q. Who is your role model?
A. Any top leading woman who worked hard to make it.
Q. What is something most people don't know about you?
A. I don't know! I'm pretty out there, so there's not much people don't know about me.

Having been a rhythmic gymnast all her life and a dancer, Mkhchian says she loves to perform and would love to work for the Screen Actors Guild one day. She also enjoys the business side of law due to the courses she has taken in the past. As far as employment law goes, she worked part-time for the HR department of an investment firm during her undergraduate years, which she enjoyed. All she needs to do now is narrow her options, which she is hoping her remaining years at law school will do for her.

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Mkhchian plans to intern this summer, and her post-graduation goal is to someday work for a big firm. She says that she would like to start off as a junior associate and then work her way up as an attorney. She is also considering working as a legal consultant.

Mkhchian says, though, that anyone considering a life in law needs to be prepared.

"Make sure law school is what you want to do before you begin. Get some experience and volunteer at a law firm or courthouse," she advises. "Make sure you like to read, or if you don't, you're still okay; [just learn to] read a lot because you want the end result: that J.D. — that's me!"

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