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The Law Firm Where Everybody Has a College Degree

published February 21, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing
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The Law Firm Where Everybody Has a College Degree

Busch, Slipakoff & Schuh, a law firm in Atlanta, is in the news. The reason – everybody working there has a four-year college degree.

The paralegals, receptionist and even the in-house courier have graduated from college. The law firm was covered by the New York Times to highlight how college degrees are becoming a necessity for jobs that were done by people with high school diplomas just a few years ago.

But the college-educated office staff at Busch does not seem bitter over the fact that they are working in jobs that may not fully utilize their skills learned in college. The individuals profiled acknowledge that the firm and their current jobs are better than the alternatives. Some of them have even got promotions and raises.

The firm’s logic in taking only college graduates: “College graduates are just more career-oriented,” says Adam Slipakoff, the firm’s managing partner. He adds, “Going to college means they are making a real commitment to their futures. They’re not just looking for a paycheck.”

Suzanne Manzagol, whose firm handles Busch’s recruiting requirements for administrative staff, says “When you get 800 resumes for every job ad, you need to weed them out somehow.”

And finally there’s the shared camaraderie factor according to Mr.Slipakoff. He says that the firm’s Christmas tree gets decorated with college mascots. He adds “You know, if we had someone here with just a G.E.D. or something, I can see how they might feel slighted by the social atmosphere here,”

published February 21, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing
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