Search Tips

Search Tips

You can start looking for jobs on LawCrossing through these easy steps:

Using Keywords Effectively

  • In the box labeled Keyword Search, enter the title of the job, or the level of work you are looking for. If you are using more than one keyword, separate them with commas.
  • You can also search for jobs based on professional levels, such as jobs for 3L or 1L students, clerkships, summer positions and more.
  • Note that if you input multiple keywords, LawCrossing will show you jobs containing all of them.
  • For more ideas on using keywords effectively, check out these smart search tips.

Narrow Your Search

  • Exact Phrase: LawCrossing allows you to search by exact phrases. For example, type in Litigation Attorney to obtain all litigation attorney jobs in your search results.
  • Case Sensitivity: The job search is not case sensitive. Hence, it does not matter whether you type in Litigation Attorney or litigation attorney. Both will show you the same results.
  • Use of OR: If you want to conduct your search using several phrases, type in your search terms separated by OR. Thus, typing Litigation Attorney OR Criminal Attorney will show you results containing both the terms.
  • Deleting Terms from Search: You can refine your search to remove areas that you don't wish to include. Type the minus sign (-) before the term you wish to remove from your search. For example, typing in —Child Custody will not display results containing the term child custody.

Refine Your Search

  • Jobs by Firm or Company Name: Sign up and look for legal jobs by specific firm or company names. For example, enter 'Microsoft' in the box provided to see all results for legal jobs in Microsoft.
  • Jobs by Location and Employer type: Enter the location you prefer and the type of employer you want to work for, for example, public interest, government or law firm.
  • Jobs by Practice Areas: LawCrossing lets you browse jobs by your specific practice areas. Go to Advanced Search and indicate your preference from the areas listed. If you do not find your particular practice type listed, choose Other. You can also choose to view jobs from all practice areas by selecting All Areas.

Search Jobs by Positions

LawCrossing has devoted exclusive channels to cover diverse legal positions in a more comprehensive manner. Thus someone looking for paralegal positions does not need to sift through non-related attorney or legal internship positions.

  • Attorney: Browse through hundreds of openings for attorneys, including Tax Attorney, Civil Attorney, Sports Attorneys, and Healthcare Attorney jobs. You can also read up information on each of these categories.
  • Law Student: Law students at various levels of their studies, including 1L, can look at positions such as legal clerkships, internships, and court clerkship jobs among others.
  • Legal Staff: Browse hundreds of listings for legal staff, including openings for paralegals, temporary secretary, contract paralegal, and government paralegal jobs.

Using Advanced Search

Go to the Advanced Search page to refine your search further. Advanced Search allows you to browse jobs through a host of variables, including keywords, job types, employer type, practice area and geographic location.

  • Choose either the Match Any or Match All option to allow LawCrossing to show you results with any or all of the keywords you entered in the box.
  • Fine-tune your geographic location by specifying distance in miles and by the zip code.
  • Choose jobs by the range of experience you have, in number of years.
  • Browse jobs by job types, for example attorney, legal staff, or partner.
  • Browse jobs by employer type, including government, in house, or judges.