Job Alert

How to Set Up Your Job Alert

In order to get the most benefit out of your LawCrossing membership, you need to set up your job alert. Your job alert will narrow your job-search results and help you apply to a job as soon as it gets live on our site. Since LawCrossing is a private site, you will often be one of the first few to know about these jobs. This will help you get a job quickly and easily because there will be less competition.

Step 1: Go to the Advanced Search page by clicking here.

Step 2: Fill out your keyword search details on this page (as below).

Step 3: Select job type, geographic location, date posted, company name, etc. as below.

Step 4: To use this as one of your search criteria and receive the latest results to your inbox, save this search as shown below.

Step 5: You can view, edit, or/and delete these searches on the Advanced Search page.

Note: You can save as many searches as you want. However, you'll only receive the results of top five of these saved searches to your inbox at one time.

Click here to go to the advance search page.