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Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

published March 15, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

( 48 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
787 Seventh Avenue,
New York, NY 10019

Tel: 212 728 8000 Fax: 212 728 8111

Main areas of work

Antitrust and competition, asset management, business reorganization and restructuring, communications, media and privacy, corporate and financial services, environmental, health and safety, executive compensation and employee benefits, government relations, insurance, intellectual property, litigation, private clients, real estate and tax.

Firm profile

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP was founded more than 125 years ago upon principles that still characterize our practice today. Our founders and memorable colleagues, like Wendell Willkie and Felix Frankfurter, established a strong foundation of integrity, innovation, pragmatism, flexibility and intellectual agility designed to continually meet the ever changing business needs of our clients. We continue our tradition of excellence by keeping nimble, working collaboratively together, with respect and professionalism, and by integrating this philosophy into our client relationships. Our clients not only rely on us for our creativity, skill, leadership, decisiveness and high-quality work, but because they know we are solution-oriented and we get the job done effectively and efficiently.

Recruitment details
  • Number of 1st year associates: 47
  • Number of 2nd year associates: 26

Associate salaries
  • 1st year: $160,000
  • 2nd year: $170,000

Clerking policy: Yes

Law Schools attending for OCIs in 2014:

Brooklyn, Columbia University, Cornell, Duke, Fordham University, GWU, Georgetown University, Harvard, Howard University, NYU, Northwestern University, St John's University, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, UVA, and Yale.

Summer details

Summer associate profile:

Willkie seeks motivated individuals who have excelled academically. We are looking for candidates who possess ambition, maturity, strong communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with others.

Summer program components:

Willkie's summer program is a terrific introduction to the firm. We offer summer associates the opportunity to work side by side with our attorneys in practice areas of their choice. We offer departmental rotations during the course of the summer. In addition, summer associates participate in mock arbitration and corporate negotiation training seminars. Summer associates are evaluated twice during the program: once at mid-summer and then at the end of the program. In addition to providing an introduction to life as an associate, we provide a wide array of social events with the goal of helping our summer associates to get to know one another, our lawyers and the city.

Willkie's summer program is a terrific introduction to the firm. We offer summer associates the opportunity to work side by side with our attorneys in practice areas of their choice. We offer departmental rotations during the course of the summer. In addition, summer associates participate in mock arbitration and corporate negotiation training seminars. Summer associates are evaluated twice during the program: once at mid-summer and then at the end of the program. In addition to providing an introduction to life as an associate, we provide a wide array of social events with the goal of helping our summer associates to get to know one another, our lawyers and the city.

Willkie Farr Gallagher new york officeHead Office: New York
Number of domestic offices: 2
Number of international offices: 6
Partners (US): 129
Associates (US): 290

Main Recruitment Contacts:
Christie Wilson, Associate Director of Legal Recruiting (NY).
Gail McCinley, Associate Director of Legal Personnel & Recruiting, (DC)
Hiring Partner: Elizabeth J Bower (DC), Sameer Advani, David C Drewes, A Mark Getachew, Matthew J Guercio, Deirdre Norton Hykal, and Shaunna D Jones.
Recruitment website:
Diversity officer: Kim A Walker, Director of Diversity Initiatives

Summer Salary 2014
1Ls: N/A
2Ls: $3,077/week Post
3Ls: N/A 1

1Ls hired? Yes
Split summers offered? Yes, minimum 8 weeks, first half required.
Can summers spend time in overseas office? Case by case

Summers 2014: 56
Offers/acceptances 2013: 45 offers, 43 acceptances
( 48 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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