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Who can be a Paralegal in the Air Force?

published April 16, 2012

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Paralegals are recruited into the Air Force, both from the pool of civilian professionals and from within by retraining Airmen. The American Bar Association has certified the paralegal Community College of the Air Force degree as an accredited degree, so retrained Airmen can pursue legal careers in civilian life.
Who Can Be A Paralegal In The Air Force?

The usual course of affairs to become a paralegal at the Air Force is primarily open to Airmen who seek a career change. There is no deadline, but for first-time Airmen the requirements set by the Air Force Personnel Center are as follows:
  • Four-year enlistees need to complete their 35th month in service before applying for training as a paralegal, and for six-year enlistees the bar extends to the completion of 59 months.
  • Ability to type 25 words per minute
  • Minimum AQE score of 51
  • Clean records without derogatory information

Paralegal Training within the Air Force

The Air Force provides both on-the-job and classroom training to aspiring paralegals. Applicant Airmen attend both basic and advanced paralegal courses and may also attend specialized legal courses. Legal courses are conducted at the Judge Advocate General’s School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

Airmen seeking retraining as paralegals need to submit their applications to the relevant Employment section of the Military Personnel Flight or contact their Law Office Manager.

Paralegal training confers one of the rare avenues where an Airman can earn a degree and skills on the job which would help him/her achieve professional success in civilian life.

Paralegal Work with the Air Force

Paralegals within the Air Force work in the department of the Judge Advocate General, and assist in providing legal counsel to commanders, first sergeants and other key personnel in legal matters. The paralegal is expected to assist judge advocates (attorneys) in all areas of the Air Force’s legal practice. Areas of practice include military justice, civil law, claims, legal assistance, operations law, contracts, environmental law and labor law.

Paralegals in the Air Force may also be required to do legal research or interview witnesses and victims. In the Air Force, it is not uncommon for paralegals to draft opinions, or draft other legal documents like powers of attorney and wills. Paralegals also provide support in accident investigations.

For Airmen, the paralegal career can be extremely satisfying. It provides far greater independence than routine Airmen work and intellectual challenges for those who crave intellectual achievement.

For those seeking a quicker way, a paralegal who fulfills the proper eligibility requirements can also be directly recruited from the civilian population into the Air Force Reserve or the Air National Guard as a paralegal specialist.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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