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What People Forget When Negotiating For a New Job

published April 13, 2010

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This happens because while negotiating for a starting salary, you are at a disadvantage. Starting salary negotiation is a part of the interview process. It begins with submitting your pay expectations before you are actually called for an interview, and it ends with clinching the deal and getting the job. However, all through this process salary negotiation is heavily influenced by the fact that the job seeker is still to receive appointment, and getting the job depends upon convincing the potential employer to agree to a certain pay. The experience can be quite tortuous, and most people who are out of a job and direly seeking new employment, end up with bargains much poorer than what they deserve. They might seem okay on the money part, but still you lose the bargain.

With a tight market, chances are, you already know your market-value and what you can expect as salary. If you have done a little of practical social networking you already know what the people in similar jobs are drawing. While the monetary part is extremely important, it is also necessary to check the pros and cons of the following points. Believe it or not, these are as much integral to the total salary package as the immediate dollar component.

  • Corporate culture and reputation of the company
  • Whether the work is in line with your career goals
  • What is the usual time taken for employees in your post to get promoted
  • Leave policy
  • Overtime and compensation
  • Timings
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Reimbursement policies
  • Telecommuting is allowed or not
  • Dependent support policies
  • Relocation expense reimbursement
  • Vacations
  • Other perks
  • Pay raise policy
These are the actual things, upon which your work satisfaction and work-life balance will depend upon, to a great extent. They are the most vital part of a beginning relationship with a workplace. Nobody forgets the dollars, but too many forget to assess these points and ultimately suffer workplace shock.
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