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How Does a Divorce Attorney Spend a Day

published June 18, 2009

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If you are going to be any type of attorney or lawyer, you already know that much of your day is going to deal with law. If you are a divorce attorney, it means that you are going to be one of the attorneys who are helping people deal with their divorces. Being this type of lawyer means that you are going to need to have some extra training and be willing to work in these situations.
How Does a Divorce Attorney Spend a Day

When you want to be one of the attorneys who deals with divorce, there are going to be specific things that you are going to have to focus on with your workday and with the world around you. First of all, of course you are going to need to have passed the bar exam, so you need a good college degree and you also need to have graduated from a good law school, which will both qualify you to pass the bar exam and to be able to have the information that you need to be a regular lawyer.

Of course, however, all attorneys are going to need to specialize in something so that they can be successful with the career path that they have chosen. Therefore, as a divorce attorney you are going to need to take classes and do work with marriage law and with other rules and regulations that go along with law and marriage. This, of course, is going to require you to study the various marriage practices in different states, and to know where you will be practicing and what the various laws are there.

Once you know that you have the right set of credentials and you are ready to get down to work as a divorce attorney, you can begin to be sure that you are doing what it takes to get a practice. Once you are hired, and have become a divorce lawyer, your days are going to consist of many things.

First of all, as a divorce attorney, part of your day is going to be gathering clients and having your first meeting with them. This will usually happen on its own, as people will probably come to you to hire you. When you are first starting out, you might have to spend part of your day trying to get clients, or, at the very least, advertising who you are and what you specialize in. However, after you have a bit of a reputation built up, you will probably be able to spend less time worrying about that and more time on other tasks.

Part of your day as one of the attorneys that specializes in divorce will be meeting with your clients. This is going to be for many reasons. In some cases, you will meet with them to talk about their marriage and their spouse and to plan how you want to proceed with the divorce. You might need to have meetings dealing with property, children, and assets. Part of your day might require you to be in meetings with your client, your client's spouse, and that spouse's lawyer as well. These meetings are all going to lead up to the divorce being finalized.

Also, as a divorce attorney, part of your day might require you to be in court, or to be present when papers are signed. Keep in mind that as a divorce attorney, you are probably going to have several clients at once, so you might want to think about how you can manage your day and do what you need to do for each of them.
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!
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