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Online Paralegal Schools—the Future

published February 24, 2009

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<<The courses are now open to people who have finished their graduation and seek a career in the paralegal field. Some of them are working in some other field but are willing to make the change to be a part of the legal industry.

To be a paralegal, one needs a lot of money to pay for its fees, and one cannot earn much if one has to go to a paralegal school. It is necessary for one to be able to work to earn enough to cover the fees at least. Total dedication is required for pursuing a paralegal career, so working and studying simultaneously will be nearly impossible. The best solution to this problem is to apply to online paralegal schools. The reason for the existence of online paralegal schools is to help the people who want to make a career change to earn a paralegal status through online education.

The curriculum at online paralegal schools is similar to traditional schools’. Lectures are given through the online media player and boards and forums promote interactivity between students and teachers. The most important factor is cost, though. Online paralegal schools are more costly than traditional paralegal schools, but an online paralegal education is convenient enough for the working individual.

Here are some online paralegal schools:

  1. Virginia Center for Paralegal Studies (VCPS)
  2. Denver Paralegal Institute
  3. The Paralegal Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
  4. Paralegal College (American Bar Association)
The Center for Legal Studies (CLS) has been an ardent promoter of online paralegal schools and has produced students that come from over 600 schools across the United States. The center offers several online paralegal courses, including certificates, diplomas, and preparatory courses. Some of the courses are as follows:

  • The Paralegal Certificate Course is the foundation of the syllabus.
  • The Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course focuses on the core requirements and is an extension of the Paralegal Certificate Course.
  • The Legal Secretary Certificate is suited for veteran secretaries and explains the terminologies, processes, ethics, and jurisdiction of legal secretaries. The course also involves filing procedures, records organization, memoranda preparation, and legal research.
  • The Legal Investigation Certificate Course is applicable for teaching legal investigation subjects. Students of the course will be qualified to become back-up lawyers and paralegals in insurance companies, private firms, and government agencies. Students will get to learn freelance investigation in several areas like personal injury and traffic forensics.
  • The Alternative Dispute Resolution Certificate Course is designed to help students develop their skills in the argument mediation method. The course primarily concentrates on the traditional and non-traditional dispute settlement options.
  • The Law School Preparation Course is now an online paralegal education in vogue since 1980. The course is a preparatory course for those who want to venture into the legal field in the near future.
In short, the online paralegal schools offer standard education for those who can afford the fees but cannot afford much time to attend regular classes and courses. Online paralegal education makes things easier for paralegals and even other professionals who would want to be a paralegal some day.
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