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The Bathing luxury called TAG

published March 08, 2008

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TAG Signature, a subsidiary of TAG Studio, was established to make the beauty and luxury of TAG designs that previously had been available only in high-end resorts such as the Greenbrier, the Broadmoor, and the Lodge at Pebble Beach available to individual consumers. The company was founded in 1986 by the architect and principal of TAG Studio: TAG (Tinsley Azariah Galyean). Affectionately deemed "the shower guy from West Virginia," Galyean's $100,000 SilverTAG shower creation has taken him from "the shower guy" to the ultimate creator of luxury spa hydrotherapies.

Besides its excessive price tag, which is tied to the shower's complex computer system and the high-quality materials that are used, including a Murano glass mosaic floor, the SilverTAG shower differs from other bathing units in several ways, the most impressive of which is described by the company's website as follows: "The signature aspect of our showers is that water is delivered by computer control to different areas of your body at different temperatures and pressures at the same time."

The computer controlled and operated system can quickly modify speed and water-temperature settings from a touch-screen panel. The various pressure and temperature settings are then used to illicit certain results, including invigoration, relief of muscle tension, increased circulation, or reduction of stress. Unique settings can also be created to fit the customer's needs. As Galyean says, "the shower you take before going to an important meeting is going to be different from the shower you take after you've played 18 holes of golf."

The typical design of the shower has six different "zones" set up in a manner whereby each of the shower's 18 showerheads is assigned to an area of the body. These zones include "overhead," "shoulders," "upper torso," "lower torso," "upper legs," and "lower legs." Each zone can be controlled and adjusted without affecting the settings of another. More importantly, each area's showerheads have been manufactured for use on the selected area exclusively, ensuring hydrotherapy effects.

Despite the fact that some have expressed praise of the SilverTAG shower, and have even claimed that the experience eradicates the need to visit a masseuse altogether, Galyean shies away from such comparisons. Ultimately, he believes that words alone cannot accurately explain or portray the experience itself.

"It's all about the temperature and pressure of water," he says. "It's like trying to photograph a fragrance."
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