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More Schools Offering Paralegal Certification Programs

published July 02, 2007

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<<EIU, located in Charleston, IL, will offer an online paralegal certificate course this summer in which paralegal students will learn legal research skills. Students who complete the online course will receive paralegal certificates from EIU. The course lasts a total of 84 hours and will be taught by attorneys in the Charleston area. Students who excel in the program will have the chance to complete an internship in addition to the coursework. Classes will be taught at night and on weekends, and tuition will come to $1,089.

B&SC, a Middle States-accredited college, is a two-year university that trains its students for careers in fields with high employment. Students at B&SC also have the option of transferring their credits to a four-year university. In addition to its online students, B&SC has more than 7,000 students on 15 campuses in four different states. The school decided to begin offering an online paralegal program after seeing a recent rise in the demand for paralegals.

"Bryant & Stratton College is pleased to offer our new online Paralegal Studies program and enable our students to take advantage of the flexibility of doing coursework on their own schedule," Doreen Justinger, vice president of Internet services, said in a press release. "Whether it's online or in the classroom, we provide degrees that prepare students for today's global economy and offer academic programs that place our graduates in high-demand careers that meet business needs."

Students who graduate from B&SC's program will be equipped to perform standard paralegal duties while adhering to ethical standards. They will also have the chance to take the Certified Legal Assistant exam upon completion of the program.

Kaplan University, part of Kaplan, Inc.'s Higher Education unit, offers various bachelor and associate degree programs, and the university recently added new academic emphasis areas to its bachelor degree options. One of the new emphasis areas is an online bachelor's degree in paralegal studies/legal technology.

Graduates of this program will have the skills necessary to work in a law firm as well as manage and train others on new legal technology related to paralegal duties. Students may enroll in the new program now. Classes are scheduled to start on July 5.

"At Kaplan University, we strive to provide students with an online education that will help them advance professionally," David Clinefelter, Ph.D., provost of Kaplan University, said in a press release. "Our programs, which offer flexibility and convenience to working adults, prepare students to break into or advance in some of the fastest-growing career fields."
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