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Potter Pages Missing

published August 02, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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"I just kind of freaked out," said Leanne Greer, 36, who screamed when she discovered (after reading page 306) 33 pages missing from her book. Fortunately for the Purdue University graduate, she had a backup coming in the mail. "She tore open the package... and kept reading," says an article on

Even the book's publisher, Scholastic Inc., said that, "a handful of problems was probably unavoidable," and that "a few hundred of the 12 million copies of the book are reported to have pages missing," the article continues.

Scholastic spokeswoman Sara Sinek reminded readers to return copies where they bought them for new books. And Scholastic, too, would be happy to replace any damaged book.

However, Potter fan Mary Hunt, who found pages 19-50 missing, said she was going to keep her copy. "I have it and I've got it safely in its dust jacket inside one of those cloth book covers. It's too cool—it's fun to have something people are talking about."

published August 02, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
( 5 votes, average: 3.7 out of 5)
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