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Hot Gas Causes Buyers to Lose Cash

published July 17, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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"It's not fair when motorists are pulling up to the gas station and paying for gas they're not actually receiving," said Tyson Slocum of the public interest watchdog organization Public Citizen in an article on

Because of this, consumers from California to Delaware have filed lawsuits against the oil industry, asking companies to "install devices that take into account the temperature of gasoline when charging customers," continues the article, devices Canada has already put to use.

However, the equipment is not cheap. In fact, it could cost gasoline stations $2,000 to $7,000 for this technology, says NATSO, a national trade association.

"'Before costly solutions are forced on consumers and retailers, it's imperative to confirm whether the problem is real, how widespread it is, and whether the costs of implementing any solution will be offset by a real and measurable economic benefit, if any, to the consumer,' said Jay McKeeman, the vice president of government relations and communications for the California Independent Oil Marketers Association, in a NATSO press release," according to

While the oil industry believes prices are fair (especially since consumers "use cool gasoline that provides more energy per gallon than usual" in the winter, states the article), opponents argue they drive more in the summer than the winter and thus are still paying more.

published July 17, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
( 1 vote, average: 5 out of 5)
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