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New PE Law in Florida Gets Kids Moving

published May 28, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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To help schools financially, the law allows uncertified PE teachers to lead the 150 minute physical education time. This way, schools won't have to hire new teachers for PE if schools can't afford it.

"Teachers are creative," said Bryant Elementary Principal, Karen Bass. "They might be studying insects in science and go outside for a half hour, running around, looking for insects."

Steve Vanoer, Hillsborough School supervisor for K-12, said, "We'll do the best we can with what we have to deal with. I would love to have physical education every day of the week with a certified teacher, but we'd have to cut elsewhere."

Also, the new law will attempt to tame the growth of obesity and other related health issues in school children today. According to an article on, "A state task force found in 2003 that millions of schoolchildren were at risk for juvenile diabetes and other ailments because of poor exercise and nutrition habits."

"Now all principals will have to make physical activity in elementary schools a higher priority. That's a positive," said Vanoer.

The law also issues new requirements for high school students. "For high school students, who used to get a total of three semesters of health and physical education, Hillsborough has opted for the state's new one-year course that will combine physical activity with health education taught by teachers certified in both health and physical education," states an article on
