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J. Kirk Osborn Dies

published April 03, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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<<Born in Havre, MT, on July 4, 1942, Osborn grew up in both Flint, MI, and Golden, CO. He attended the University of Colorado as an undergrad and went on to earn his Master's degree from Colorado State University. He received his J.D. degree from the University of North Carolina School of Law. Osborn is leaving behind his wife, two daughters, sister, and brother.

A well-known defense attorney, Osborne was famous for saving his clients from execution in the many capital cases he was involved in. However, he rose to national prominence when he represented Reade W. Seligmann in the Duke lacrosse case in which a dancer accused three Duke students of sexually assaulting her.

"Less than 48 hours after Mr. Seligmann turned himself in to the police, Mr. Osborn produced evidence that he said indicated that it would have been almost impossible for Mr. Seligmann to have committed a crime," The New York Times reported. "Using phone and A.T.M. records, timed photography and witness testimony, Mr. Osborn claimed to show that his client, to be guilty, would have had to commit the sex crime in two minutes or while he was on the telephone."

A passionate man who loved what he did, Osborn will surely be missed.
