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LegalMatch and Utah State Bar Partner

published March 27, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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"The Utah State Bar is very excited to be able to help more of our citizens with their legal questions and concerns," Toby Brown, Utah State Bar's Director of Communications, said in the press release. "The online LegalCenter can now answer pressing questions 24 hours per day, seven days per week, offering information and courses of action whenever the people of Utah need it."

Utah residents will now be able to browse through more than 3,300 articles in the LegalMatch law library—articles that are geared toward the public and written in terms that they can understand. In addition, people can also find out everything they need to know about finding an attorney in the tips and advice section of the LegalCenter.

"LegalMatch has built its customer base by empowering people when they are involved in the daunting task of hiring a lawyer; the LegalCenter is a central part of this empowerment," the press release stated.

LegalMatch, headquartered in San Francisco, was founded in 1999 and is in the business of assisting attorneys who want to expand their practice. Its services are available to all U.S. residents. According to the press release, the USB has been working with LegalMatch since 2004.

"The partnership not only provides Utah consumers immediate access to pre-screened, qualified attorneys, but allows Utah attorneys to receive screened cases, saving them time in their review for potential new clients," the press release stated.

"This expanded service is a win-win result as it provides greater value to the members of the Bar and better information for the public," Brown said.
