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Presidential Race Could Gain Star Power

published March 21, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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"It's something I hope happens," Wamp told The Associated Press. "We need that kind of star quality, but most importantly we need his strength and resolve."

Wamp was the first to encourage Thompson to run last year when Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist changed his mind about running. Wamp is optimistic about Thompson deciding to run.

"I think he has an open mind, and he sees the need," he told The Associated Press.

Thompson, who has not given a firm yes or no to running for the nomination, said he would decide over the next few of months.

"I'm going to wait and see what happens," he told The Associated Press. "I want to see my colleagues on the campaign trial, what they say, what they emphasize, whether they can carry the ball next November."

Thompson, who plays a district attorney named Arthur Branch on the popular legal drama, is 64 years old and has plenty of political experience. In the past, he served on the U.S. Senate from 1994 to 2003 during which time he was the Chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. In addition, he was part of the Watergate investigation as minority counsel, had a hand in Chief Justice John Roberts' 2005 Senate confirmation, and recently was involved in fundraising efforts to support the defense of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

When asked about his views on key political issues, Thompson said he opposes abortion, gay marriage, and gun control and is in support of increasing U.S. troops in Iraq.
