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WOLI Launches Legal Nurse Consultant Program

published March 20, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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"The WOLI Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate Program provides registered nurses with an extensive knowledge of medical claims litigation and medical malpractice issues and is designed to prepare graduates for careers as LNCs," the press release stated.

LNCs are consultants trained to give advice to attorneys when they have cases involving medical issues.

"According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the primary role of a Legal Nurse Consultant is to evaluate, analyze, and render informed opinions on the delivery of health care and resulting outcomes to legal professionals," the press release stated. "This is a particularly valuable service to law firms, insurance companies, and corporations involved in personal injury and medical malpractice issues, a segment that comprises 25 percent of all legal cases in the United States."

The course is seven months long and is taught by attorneys. Students who take the class will receive the required textbooks, around-the-clock access to WOLI's online classrooms, and access to Westlaw.

Currently, the hourly rate for a LNC is anywhere from $100 an hour to $250 an hour, and full-time LNCs can make around $125,000 a year. According to the press release, the National Nurses in Business Association predicts that LNCs will be in high demand in the future because attorneys will be looking for a cheaper alternative to hiring doctors to serve as legal consultants on cases.

WOLI is well known for its paralegal certification program and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Secondary Schools.
