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Book Outlines Legal Crimes

published March 16, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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A legal thriller, Six Hours Past Thursday is packed full of unethical scams that are committed everyday around the world by thousands of business owners, scams that fall just short of being illegal.

"However, this book certainly does not advocate the shell games it depicts," Payne said in a press release. "Being aware of such practices can only be helpful to anyone engaged in a business of any kind, for 'defensive mechanism' purposes. Six Hours Past Thursday will help equip readers to defend themselves from many of the commonly used types of legal crimes out there in our big, ever ethically-challenged jungle of American Business."

Payne originally wanted to call the book something along the lines of "A Virtual Encyclopedia of Legal Crime," because that's basically what it is, a how-to guide for scams from short selling to collecting multiple fees.

"Detailing under-the-table deals, kickbacks, now-you-see-it, now-you-don't escrow accounts, and many other forms of barely legal crime, Six Hours Past Thursday centers on the double life of Steve Draves," the press release stated. "Draves, the devoted husband, father, respected business broker, enjoys a solid reputation in his community and a modest living as a small business owner. Under wraps, it turns out, Draves, the Martini-swilling con man, is worth millions, taking businesses for all they're worth while endlessly pursuing beautiful women. But his delicate balance of shady business practices, rampant sexual conquests and respectable family life begins to collapse after he gets involved with a mobster—and the mobster's daughter, leading to a price even Draves cannot afford to pay."
