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Public Interest Firm Makes a Difference in Dallas

published March 14, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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<<The firm was founded in 1999 with the intent to represent and give voice to residents of the city that weren't being heard and that didn't have access to the justice system. The firm, now directed by Koonce, takes on more than 200 cases a year with its staff of four full-time attorneys and two part-time attorneys.

"The primary focus of our practice is family law, though our lawyers provide a wide variety of other legal services and representation including simple probate services, disability claims, consumer issues, and housing matters," the center stated in an article on

Since it's creation, the center has closed 1,200 cases. In addition, the L.A.W. Center also hosts CLE courses for attorneys and pro bono volunteers.

CDM is a community dedicated to ending poverty in central Dallas. Created in 1988, the organization started out as a small grocery store. These days, it focuses on four major areas: hunger, housing, health, and hope. Treating its clients like part of the community, CDM does not refer to them as clients, but as neighbors.

"Our initial response to people's needs is one of compassion: we address their most urgent and immediate concerns, and then work with them to stabilize their life," a statement on CDM's website reads. "Working in this space, we primarily address the hunger and health needs of those who struggle with poverty."

More information can be found on CDM and the L.A.W. Center by visiting CDM's website at or by visiting the L.A.W. Center's website at
law/index.htm. If you want to stay on top of CDM's work in the Dallas area, you can visit the CEO's blog for updates at
