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Kim Kardashian's Journey to Law School: What We Know About Her Pursuit of a Legal Career

published May 10, 2023

( 11 votes, average: 3.7 out of 5)

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Kim Kardashian's Journey to Law School: What We Know About Her Pursuit of a Legal Career

Kim Kardashian has been pursuing a legal career through an apprenticeship program, studying under criminal justice reform advocate Jessica Jackson. Her interest in law and criminal justice began when she became involved in the case of Alice Marie Johnson, a great-grandmother serving a life sentence without parole for a nonviolent drug offense. Kardashian's advocacy helped secure Johnson's release and sparked her interest in criminal justice reform. Although she failed her first attempt at the California bar exam, Kardashian remains determined to continue her legal education and has expressed interest in pursuing a criminal justice reform and advocacy career. She plans to continue lobbying for legislation that would improve prison conditions and reduce sentences for nonviolent offenses.
Questions Answered In This Article
  • How did Kim Kardashian become interested in law and criminal justice reform?
    Kim Kardashian became interested in law and criminal justice reform after becoming involved in the case of Alice Marie Johnson, a great-grandmother serving a life sentence without parole for a nonviolent drug offense.
  • How is Kim Kardashian studying law?
    Instead of attending law school, Kardashian is studying law through an apprenticeship program, working with criminal justice reform advocate Jessica Jackson.
  • What legal cases has Kim Kardashian been involved in?
    Kim Kardashian has been involved in several legal cases, including the case of Cyntoia Brown, a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for killing a man who had allegedly been trafficking her for sex.
  • Has Kim Kardashian faced any challenges in her legal studies?
    Yes, in 2020, Kardashian revealed that she had failed her first attempt at the California bar exam, also known as the "Baby Bar," which is required to advance to the next level of legal study.
  • What are Kim Kardashian's plans for her legal career?
    Kim Kardashian has expressed interest in pursuing a career in criminal justice reform and advocacy. She has also considered opening her law firm or working for one specializing in criminal justice. Additionally, she plans to continue lobbying for legislation that would improve prison conditions and reduce sentences for nonviolent offenses.

Kim Kardashian is a name that is synonymous with reality TV and pop culture. However, in recent years, she has been making headlines for pursuing a legal career. Kardashian's interest in law and criminal justice reform began in 2018 when she became involved in the case of Alice Marie Johnson, a great-grandmother serving a life sentence without parole for a nonviolent drug offense. Since then, Kardashian has been studying law through an apprenticeship program, working with criminal justice reform advocate Jessica Jackson. Her journey to law school and her dedication to criminal justice reform has sparked praise and criticism. Still, her commitment to making a difference in the field is evident regardless of opinions. In this article, we will look closely at Kim Kardashian's journey to law school and what we know about her pursuit of a legal career.

Kim Kardashian's Interest In Law And Criminal Justice

Kim Kardashian's interest in law and criminal justice began in 2018 when she became involved in the case of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother serving a life sentence without parole for a nonviolent drug offense. Kardashian learned about Johnson's story on social media and advocated for her release.
Kardashian worked with lawyers and activists to bring attention to Johnson's case, and in 2018, President Donald Trump granted Johnson clemency. Kardashian's involvement in Johnson's case sparked her interest in criminal justice reform, and she decided to pursue a legal career to understand the system better and how to make changes.

Kim Kardashian's Education And Preparation For Law School

Instead of attending law school, Kardashian opted to study law through an apprenticeship program, which allows her to work with a practicing lawyer and gain hands-on experience in the field. She has been studying under Jessica Jackson, a criminal justice reform advocate and co-founder of #cut50, a national initiative to reduce the prison population.

Kardashian has also been involved in several legal cases, including the case of Cyntoia Brown, a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for killing a man who had allegedly been trafficking her for sex. Kardashian's advocacy helped to secure Brown's release in 2019.

Kim Kardashian's Experience In Law School

Kardashian's legal studies have been documented on her reality TV show, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." In 2020, she revealed that she had failed her first attempt at the California Bar exam, also known as the "Baby Bar," which is required to advance to the next level of legal study. However, she remained determined to continue her legal education and retake the exam.

Kardashian has been balancing her law studies with her responsibilities as a mother of four, running her businesses, and her public appearances. In an interview with Vogue in 2019, she said that studying law was "super time-consuming" but also "really important to me."

The Future Of Kim Kardashian's Legal Career

Kardashian has expressed interest in pursuing a career in criminal justice reform and advocacy. She has also considered opening her law firm or working for one specializing in criminal justice.

In addition to her legal pursuits, Kardashian plans to continue her advocacy work for criminal justice reform. She has been involved in lobbying efforts to pass legislation that would reduce sentences for nonviolent offenses and improve prison conditions.

Kim Kardashian's journey to law school and her commitment to criminal justice reform has been met with praise and criticism. While some have questioned her qualifications and commitment to the field, others have commended her for using her platform to bring attention to important issues.

Regardless of opinions, Kardashian's dedication to her legal studies and advocacy work demonstrates her desire to make a difference in criminal justice reform. Her journey inspires others who may not have followed a traditional path to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in their communities.
( 11 votes, average: 3.7 out of 5)
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