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12 Instant Pot Breakfast Recipes You Have to Try

published August 09, 2018

( 4 votes, average: 3.2 out of 5)

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Summary: Try these easy to make breakfast recipes in your instant pot.

When it comes to finding and trying out new recipes, we’re often focused on dinner since that tends to be the meal where we spend the most time preparing and eating. But what’s the most important meal of the day? Breakfast, of course!

Many people just grab a bar to go or eat a quick bowl of cereal, while others skip on breakfast all together. Not only is breakfast an important meal for getting your metabolism going and fueling your brain and body for the day, but it’s also one of the most delicious meals of the day if you choose to make it so.
Don’t save special breakfasts just for the weekend but try to fit them into your normal week by using something time-saving like an Instant Pot! You could also try crock-pot breakfasts and cook those overnight or make them over the weekend to prep for the whole week. Scroll down and look for a recipe that jumps out at you from these twelve Instant Pot breakfast recipes that you have to try:
( 4 votes, average: 3.2 out of 5)
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