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Does Stating “Withdrawn” after an Improper Question Prevent an Attorney from Being Sanctioned?

published February 23, 2017

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Summary: Las Vegas Attorney, Michael Troiano, discusses if stating “withdrawn” after an improper question prevents an attorney from being sanctioned.
Find out what using the word “withdrawn” does for you as an attorney.

We asked Las Vegas attorney, Michael Troiano, if stating “withdrawn” after an improper question prevents an attorney from being sanctioned. We hope you enjoy his response.


In short, no. If an attorney takes an action that can lead to being sanctioned, simply uttering ‘withdrawn’ would not prevent the attorney from being sanctioned. But, it may prevent the other party or presiding judge from pursuing sanctions if the offending attorney decided to not continue down that path.
Michael Troiano
Law Office of Michael Troiano
Michael Troiano is a Las Vegas-based attorney who has been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers, as a “Top 40 under 40 Nevada Trial Lawyer” and received the “10 Best DUI Attorney Client Satisfaction Award” by The American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys. He has a law degree from Duquesne University and has personally defended over 800 DUI cases.

See the following articles for more information:
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