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Paralegal Interview Thank You Letter Samples

published December 12, 2016

By Author - LawCrossing

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A day or so after the interview has taken place, it is very important for you to write a follow-up letter to the person or persons who interviewed you. In doing so, you not only impress the interviewer with your courtesy, but you remind him or her of how much you are really interested in the position and how well qualified you are to fill it. The letter should be brief and reiterate what you believe are your strengths, as well as your suitability for the position. Some of the following letters illustrate how you can easily focus on these points.

Paralegal Interview Thank You Letter Samples

Again, write individual letters and customize your correspondence to the specific interviewer and job.  Take time and care, but if you are willing to put forth the effort, you may well be ahead of the majority of those interviewed who do not send such a letter. The samples included here are brief, to the point, and cover the variety of responses you might want to send.

Below are some guidelines for your follow-up letter:
  1. Thank the interviewer for his or her interest and valuable time spent in considering you for the position.
  2. If possible, refer to some part of the personal conversation, such as shared interests or organizational goals.
  3. Express your enthusiasm for the position.
  4. Reinforce your strengths and the reasons why you think you are particularly suited for the position.
  5. If the interviewer had any concerns about your liabilities or lack of qualifications or experience, be certain to address how you can compensate for any weaknesses by the strengths you bring to the position. For example, you can stress how your skills and experience in your past jobs could make you an asset to the firm or how your maturity could be a contribution to such a fast-paced environment.
  6. Refer to the next step in the process: “I look forward to hearing from you soon about your decision.”
If you get the job, send an acceptance letter to confirm the starting date and time. Even if you do not get the job, a follow-up letter demonstrates a tally professional attitude.
Follow-up Letter after First Interview
2802 Orchard Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60604
May 28, 2015
Mr. Wayne Smith
Community Bank International Department
1822 West Madison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607

Dear Mr. Smith:

It was a pleasure meeting you today to discuss the job opening in the International Department of Community Bank.

The position is an opportunity for me to use my background, training, and language skills in a stimulating environment. In reviewing your plans for the department’s expansion, I am even more enthusiastic about the contributions I could make as a paralegal.

Again, thank you for your interest and consideration. I hope that we will be working together in the future.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (312) 935- 2120.

Sincerely yours,
Mark Harrison

Follow-up Letter after First Interview
2893 South Hamlin
Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
August 2, 2015
Mr. John Downey
Wentworth, Katz and Walter Associates
One North Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602

Dear Mr. Downey:

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the paralegal opening at Wentworth, Katz and Walter Associates. I enjoyed discussing the company’s present commitment and future plans. It is a lively and challenging work environment, and I know that I could bring valuable business experience and skills to the position.

I hope that we will be working together in the future, and I look forward to hearing from you sometime soon. If you have questions or need more information, please call me at (708) 828-3292.

Felicia Simmons

Follow-up Letter from Applicant out of Job Market for Several Years
761 Summit Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
June 1, 2015
Ms. Katherine Lewis
Sailer, DuPont and Flint
2210 Parkway
West Atlanta, Georgia 30319

Dear Ms. Lewis:

Thank you for your time and interest in considering me for a paralegal position at Sailer, DuPont and Flint. It was such an enjoyable experience meeting with you and other paralegal staff members, I know that I would thrive in such a creative environment. Your department is lively, energetic, and productive.

I believe my background, skills, experiences, and maturity would enable me to bring a new perspective to your organization. I hope that you agree.
Please call me if I can provide further information or if you have additional questions.

I can be reached at (616) 430-1828.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Margaret Thornton

Job Acceptance Letter
1021 Wynwood Drive
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501
August 18, 2015
Mr. Harold Henderson
Henderson Law Associates
212 West Wesley Street
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49012

Dear Mr. Henderson:

I am pleased to accept the paralegal position at Henderson Law Associates.

September 15, the day you suggested, is fine as a starting date, and I will report to you and Mr. Simpson at 9:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room.

In the meantime, thank you for this opportunity to begin my paralegal career with such a prestigious firm. I look forward to making a contribution to Henderson Law Associates.

Sincerely yours,
Marcia Morgan

Follow-up Letter to a Cordial Interview When Applicant Did Not Get the Job, but Is Asking for Help in Continuing the Job Search
176 South Maple Street
Garden City, New York 11530
April 30, 2015
Mrs. Judith Royce Zenith
Credit Corporation
600 Mulberry Street
Garden City, New York 11529

Dear Mrs. Royce:

I am very sorry I was not the final candidate for the paralegal position at Zenith Credit Corporation. However, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed meeting you and thank you for all the time you spent in discussing career opportunities in the paralegal department.

Should you hear of any positions that become available and seem to suit my background and experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Again, many thanks for your interest.

Sincerely yours,
Ruth Martin

Follow-up Letter to an Informational Interview
5643 Riverside Drive
Berwyn, Illinois 60402
September 8, 2015
Mr. Dean McVey
McVey Legal Associates
555 Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Dear Mr. McVey:

I appreciate the time you took from your busy schedule to discuss future job opportunities as a paralegal with McVey Legal Associates. After our brief meeting, I realized what a good match my skills would be with your firm. I appreciate your interest and helpful suggestions about paralegal career opportunities in general.

Should an opening occur within your firm, please keep me in mind.

Again, thank you for your ideas and encouragement. I hope we have an opportunity to meet again.

Sincerely yours,
Andrew Jefferson

Whenever you spend any time with the professional staff of an organization, a follow-up letter is a way of saying “thank you.”

All the exercises you have completed thus far, including the self-assessment and self-evaluation and job search strategies, will serve you well as you move ahead. You have developed tools and tactics. Now you must prepare a well-thought-out strategy. Otherwise, you may easily become frustrated or disillusioned. So how do you begin?

See the following articles for more information:
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