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Texas Law School Directory

published August 01, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

( 18 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)

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  1. Baylor University School of Law
  2. St. Mary's University School of Law
  3. South Texas College of Law
  4. Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
  5. Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law
  6. Texas Tech University School of Law
  7. Texas Wesleyan University School of Law
  8. University of Houston Law Center
  9. University of Texas at Austin School of Law

Baylor University School of Law
1 Bear PI., No. 97288 1114 S University Parks Dr. Waco, TX 76798

Ph: (254) 710-2529 Toll-free: 8CO-BAYLOR-U Fax: (254) 710-2316

Baylor University School of Law

Degree Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MTax (Master of Taxation)
  • JD-MPPA (Master of Public Policy and Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • Baylor Law Review

St. Mary's University School of Law
1 Camino Santa Maria San Antonio. TX 78228-8601
Ph: (210) 436-3523 Toll-free: 866-639-5831 Fax: (210) 431-4202

St. Mary's University School of Law

Degrees Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in American Legal Studies or International Comparative Law

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Economics or Theology
  • JD-MIR (Master of Interna-tional Relations)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Engineering

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools

  • St. Mary's Law Journal
  • The Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues.

South Texas College of Law
1303 San Jadnto St. Houston, TX 77002
Ph: (713) 659-8040 Fax: (713) 646-2906

South Texas College of Law

Degree Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)

Joint Degree Program:
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • Currents: International Trade Law Journal
  • Corporate Counsel Review
  • South Texas Law Review
  • Construdion Law Journal
  • Texas Business Journal.

Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
PO Box 750110 Dallas, TX 75275-0110
Ph: (214) 768-2550 Toll-free: 888-768-5291 Fax: (214) 768-2549

Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law

Degrees Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in General Studies, Taxation, or International and Comparative Law
  • SJD (Dodor of Science of the Laws)

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Economics
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • SMU Law Review
  • Journal of Air Law and Commerce
  • The International Lawyer
  • Law and Business Review of the Americas
  • SMU Sdence and Technology Law Review.

Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law
3100 Cleburne Houston, TX 77004
Ph: (713) 313-7114 Fax: (713) 313-7297

Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law

Degree Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association.

  • Thurgood Marshall Law Review.

Texas Tech University School of Law
1802 Hartford Ave. Lubbock. TX 79409
Ph: (806) 742-3990 Fax: (806) 742-4617

Texas Tech University School of Law

Degree Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • Certificate programs in Business Law, Health Law, and Law and Science.

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-MD (Dodor of Medicine)
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Agriculture and Applied Economics, Accounting (Taxation), Engineering, Entomology, Horticultural and Turfgrass Sciences, Personal Financial Planning, or in Crop and Soil Sciences
  • JD-Master of Environmental Toxicology
  • JD- Master of Biotechnology.

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association and the Supreme Court of Texas member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • Texas Tech Law Review
  • Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal
  • Texas Bank Lawyer
  • Texas Tech Lawyer
  • Estate Planning and Community Property Law Journal.

Texas Wesleyan University School of Law
1515 Commerce St. Fort Worth, TX 76102
Ph: (817) 212-4040 Toll-free: 800-733-9529 Fax: (817) 212-4141

Texas Wesleyan University School of Law

Degree Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association.

  • Texas Wesleyan Law Review.

University of Houston Law Center
100 Law Ctr. Houston, TX 77204-6060
Ph: (713) 743-2280 Fax: (713) 743-2194

University of Houston Law Center

Degrees Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in History
  • JD-MPH (Master of Public Health)
  • JD-PhD (Dodor of Philosophy) in Medical Humanities.

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • Houston Law Review
  • Houston Journal of International Law
  • Houston Business and Tax Law Journal
  • Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy
  • Journal of Consumer and Commercial Law
  • Environ-mental and Energy Law and Policy Journal.

University of Texas at Austin School of Law
727 E Dean Keeton St. Austin, TX 78705
Ph: (512) 232-1200 Fax: (512) 471-2765

University of Texas at Austin School of Law

Degrees Offered:
  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Joint Degree Programs:
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in various disciplines
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Latin American Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, or Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Community and Regional Planning and in Information Studies
  • JD- MPAff (Master of Public Affairs)
  • JD-MSW (Master of Social Work)
  • JD-Master of Global Policy Studies

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association member of the Association of American Law Schools.

  • American Journal of Criminal Law
  • The Review of Litigation
  • Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
  • Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy
  • Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
  • Texas International Law Journal
  • Texas Journal of Women and the Law
  • Texas Law Review
  • Texas Review of Entertainment and Sports Law
  • Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law
  • Texas Review of Law and Politics
  • Texas Environmental Law Journal

Learn the 10 Factors That Matter to Big Firms More Than Where You Went to Law School

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