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Can You Help Me Find a Job after Graduating with Honors from Law School?

published May 31, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing

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I've been out of law school for 8 months now. I graduated from a good school with honors and have passed a bar. Unfortunately, I have not found a job yet. In my cover letters, how can I express the fact that I have been actively looking for a job without seeming like I'm unemployable?


Hmmm ... something does not add up. You graduated from a good school with honors, passed "a" bar (was it the New York bar?), and still haven't found a job. Did you have a 2L summer job? If so, why didn't you get an offer there?

I am going to take a wild guess and say that you probably need some help with your interviewing skills. In terms of your cover letter, your excellent academic credentials should make any kind of explanation unnecessary. Once you are actually in the interview, then you need to be prepared to explain why you have not had any job offers up to this point. You need to do some soul searching and try to figure out what has gone wrong. Even with a rough economy, someone with your background should be an extremely viable candidate. I hope this advice helps.

Summary: In my cover letters, how can I express the fact that I have been actively looking for a job without seeming like I'm unemployable?
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