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Random Musings of My Life

published March 05, 2012

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Guess what today is?!?!

It's the first day of BOOTCAMP!!!!!


Is anyone else participating?? I'm really excited about getting started, and so amazed at all the hard work Tina has put into the bootcamp! She sent us a bunch of files over the weekend, all with tons of details and amazing spreadsheets for the workouts and adaptations if you don't have a gym to go to!

I'm a little worried about getting my workout done in the time that I have. As I've mentioned before, I'm up at 5am on Mondays so that I'm at my gym when it opens at 5:30am, since I I have to workout, walk the half mile home, shower, change and get myself together by 7:30 to leave for class. I've learned it's best to pack some overnight oats and just eat them in class, so I've got those ready to go!

Tomorrow I'm going to do slow miles to try out my feet again, and then dive into the workout, which is basically a strength circuit! It looks like I can probably be out of the gym by 6:45, I'm just nervous I might have to cut it short! I'll let you know how it goes!


Now, onto my fun and random musings. On Friday I'm headed to South Carolina for my friend's wedding, Mary Frances!!!! I am SO EXCITED to see her and my other friends and to celebrate her wedding with Vince! DYING of excitement right now! Haha.

Well, I decided that maybe I should go look for a new dress, because the ones I have I wasn't sure of. I ended up in H&M where I've had some amazing luck before, and found this gem:

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Yes? No? Thoughts?

HA. I hope you realize I'm kidding. I decided this is something that a middle school girl in the 80s would wear to a dance. Why is this in their store??? Better yet, WHO BOUGT IT? (and not as a joke). I would like to know.

But don't worry, I asked a friend of mine who is in the wedding if a full-length dress I had would be too nice. She said it would be perfect since it's an evening wedding and all the bridesmaids are wearing full length. So, CHECK! Got my dress set and I didn't have to spend a dime!


Another fun thing that I've been doing is my new standing/exercising desk:

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I got this mini-elliptical in the fall and rarely use it, but I set it up against the tall counter and it's the perfect height for me to use my computer! But don't go thinking I'm some kind of exercise bunny on this thing Honestly I've used it a total of like 30 minutes all weekend Haha. I usually get distracted by what I'm doing and stop ellipticaling and just stand there and type or read. It's hard to do those things while bouncing up and down!


Finally, I have found the most amazing snack, thanks to Sara at Nourish and Flourish. She posted this snack as her bedtime snack on WIAW and I had to try it!

It's 1/2 cup cottage cheese (I'm not sure how much she used, she didn't say), mixed with stevia and a splash of flax milk (she used almond) and blended in the magic bullet. Topped with a T of almond butter!

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I knew hers looked good and all, but my god. This was amazing! The whipped cottage cheese was so thick and creamy and the almond butter was perfect! The only thing that would have made this better would be granola on top! Too bad I can't keep that in my house since I eat it like a mad woman oops.

I know I've said it before, but I LOVE my magic bullet! I have never used a kitchen appliance so much in the little time that I've had it (okay, except the microwave ). I highly recommend getting a magic bullet! And whipping some cottage cheese in it. Got it? Okay.


I hope you all have a great Monday, and I thought I'd leave you with this dark, yet adorable, picture of Molly, and a quote to inspire your week! Have a great Monday!

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(she was trying to steal my seat for movie watching. don't worry, she ended up just sitting on top of me ).



Have you ever made a standing desk or done something like sit on a stability ball at work or home?

What's the craziest thing you've seen in a store?
