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20 Days Until Spring!

published March 01, 2012

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Can you tell that I'm excited for warmer weather? Granted, I CANNOT complain one tiny bit. Winter this year in Chicago, compared to last year, is a complete joke. Seriously. It's snowed like 3 or 4 times and it melts away a few days later. It's been above freezing almost every single day!

This is INSANE! Because the weather has been so great, it's been giving me the springtime itch! Although I'll be sad to part with my wonderful knee-length puffy coat, I am very excited for other things, like wearing my TOMs!!!!

Haha very old picture from when I first started my blog this past summer!

So now that we are entering into a new month, it's time to take a look at the goals I had for February, how I did on them, and then my new goals for the month of March!

Here's the February Re-Cap:


February Goals

1. Make better use of my evenings.

After posting this goal, I got several responses from people saying they are also totally lazy in the evenings! I did get a little better with it though. I've been reading a lot of books for pleasure, so I would often do that in the evening. I've also been doing some blog work, tidying up my apartment, and trying to do some stretches before bed. I'd say this one was accomplished!

2. Keep up with NROLFW!

Haha if you read regularly, you'll know that I did not keep up with NROLFW. I actually decided that the program was just not the right thing for me now, with my half marathon training. The hardest part was that the workouts included both legs and upper body, so I'd be doing leg weights the day before a run. It just wasn't the right schedule for me. I may pick up again after my race, though!

3. Try spinning again!

Again, this one also didn't happen. I was a little freaked out that spinning would make my legs sore for runs, so I never got up the courage to go to a class. I will, however, try it out after my race! I plan on taking a week off running after the half marathon, so I think that week will be the perfect time to give it a try!

4. Go to Bikram once a week.

ALMOST. Haha, I went to Bikram 3 weeks in a row but I did not go this past weekend. I actually found out my Groupon is based on the number of times I go and will not be expiring any time soon. This took a lot of pressure off of me, since often I'd go even if I wanted to do something else that day, just so I wouldn't be wasting it.

5. Try not to hate on Valentines day

CHECK! I was much more positive about Valentine's day this year and somewhat enjoyed the holiday! Granted, my Tuesday was just like any other Tuesday, but at least I wasn't hating life and wallowing all day. I tried to enjoy the holiday and my adorable Valentine!

photo (17)

That's a heart-shaped Valentine's toy in her mouth if you couldn't tell.


So now that we've re-capped last month, it's time to look at some new goals for March!

1. Give more compliments and complain less!

Annette wrote a great post on Tuesday about compliments and it really got me thinking. It's so true that I give more compliments when I'm feeling good, and don't when I'm feeling bad about myself. I'm going to make a conscious effort to give more compliments, which I think will help my own mood! Another thing to help my mood: LESS COMPLAINING. I feel like I find myself complaining a lot, especially about my dietary restrictions, recently and it's not helping anything or anyone!

2. Get more healthy fats in my diet and eat more earlier in the day.

One of the problems I have with eating is that I'll eat too little early on in the day, and then my body is craving more food at night, and I eat most of my daily calories in the evening! This isn't good because 1) it doesn't help fuel me through the day and 2) I definitely think it's part of what is affecting my sleep! I also want to include more healthy fats because I've been tracking macro nutrients, and I've realized I barely eat any fat! Fat is so important for healthy brain function, which is important in law school!

3. Cook at least two new meals with my parents in Colorado.

I'm spending part of my spring break in Colorado with my parents. Since we have a full kitchen, I really want to cook a couple new recipes that I've been seeing with them. When I was home for Christmas I cooked a couple times with my mom and we both really enjoyed discovering new recipes together. I've already bookmarked some things I think they'll like!

4. Follow my Best Body Bootcamp and be a Rockstar!!!



I mentioned before that I was going to sign up for Tina's Best Body Bootcamp, and I did! I am so excited for the program and can't wait to get started! I just want to be sure that I'm able to keep it up with my half-marathon training (if my foot gets better ) and my traveling for spring break. If you're still interested, you can still sign up for the bootcamp!


Is the weather turning spring-like where you live?

What's a goal that you are currently working on or would like to work on?
