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Can a Foreign Student Get a Job with a Good Law Firm in the U.S. after an LL.M. Program?

published April 19, 2014

By Follow Me on

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We asked a practicing attorney and a professor and director
of international programs if a foreign student can get a job with a good law firm in the U.S. after an LL.M. program. Both men agreed that foreign students who complete an LL. M. program would have a good chance of being hired at a respectable firm in the United States. A foreign student could have an advantage over other students who apply to firms with international practices.

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I think that foreign students who complete an LL.M program would have a strong chance at landing a job at a good firm in the U.S. This is especially true for a number of law firms that have an international practice or global presence. In fact, a foreign student could have an advantage applying to firms with international practices.

Why get an LL.M. degree? Find out here.

-James T. Hunt, Jr., Esq.

LL.M. students with very strong legal backgrounds from their home countries have a good chance of being hired by a U.S. firm. Their chances improve considerably when they attend a large LL.M. program at a famous school. For example, Columbia, NYU and Duke created a job forum just for foreign lawyer LL.M.s. However, they have reported that they are unable to find positions for all of their graduates who would like such experiences. Still, some students make comparable connections in various ways. Some time back a Touro student from South Africa met lawyers from a large English firm at a National Day party at the South African consulate and went on to work for that firm in New York, London, and Dar es Salaam.

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-Daniel H. Derby
Professor and Director of International Programs
Touro Law Center
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