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Devon Attorney Charged for Two Decades Old Child Sex Assault

published April 07, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing

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A 46-year-old Devon attorney has been charged with child sex assault over incidents that allegedly took place between December 1990 and the summer of 1995. According to the Chester County District Attorney's Office and the Tredyffrin Police Department, the attorney, Lawrence Harold Carroll was charged after the alleged victim came forward this year claiming he had been abused.

The victim told the authorities that during the alleged period, Carroll had sexually assaulted the boy at least 20 times.

According to the police, the incidents took place when the victim was growing up and was between 6 to 11 years of age. The incidents took place at different places including near a creek by Carroll's home, near railroad tracks and at Carroll's home in Wayne.

District Attorney Tom Hogan condemned the alleged abuse and said, "The sexual abuse of children is a particularly horrifying crime that robs children of their innocence," said District Attorney Tom Hogan. "This case showed a persistent pattern of abuse that took place over years. Anyone with additional information about this defendant, including any other victims, is encouraged to come forward."

Carroll was arraigned on Wednesday on seven felony charges of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, aggravated indecent assault, endangering the welfare of a child, and other offenses. His cash bail was set at $75,000, and after failing to post it, he was taken to the Chester County Prison.

The assaults were reported to the Tredyffrin Township Police Department in January this year, when the alleged victim finally gathered enough courage to come forward.

Tredyffrin Police Superintendent Anthony Giaimo told the media the law enforcement is taking the matter very seriously, and the case is currently being investigated by the Detective's Unit of the Tredyffrin Township Police Department. The prosecution is being conducted by the Chester County District Attorney's Office Child Abuse Unit. He commended Detective James Konieczny for his diligence in investigating the 24-year-old case of child sexual abuse.

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