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The Hudson Cosmo

published December 08, 2011

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By Author - LawCrossing

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See what a little Absolut Mandrin can do-for Ben, Matt, Gwyneth, and you.

The Hudson Cosmo is like any other cosmo, except for a few tiny little twists: It's made with Absolut Mandrin instead of the typical lemon-flavored vodka. It's garnished with an edible flower. And it happens to be served at the Hudson Bar, in New York City's Hudson hotel, the new Ian Schrager-owned, Philippe Starck-designed temple of chic, where Gwyneth, Matt and Ben, among assorted other young A-listers, have lately been known to eat, sleep and, yes, quaff a Hudson Cosmo or two. The drink itself has a more forward, tangy flavor than the usual cosmo (Absolut Mandrin tastes more like tangerine than orange). It's cold and refreshing, "and it's beautiful," says bar manager Ben Pundole. "Part of drinking is drinking with the eyes." Is this serious hooch? Summer's coming-relax. Stop by the Hudson, let Pundole mix you his signature concoction, and feel your hot, tired, overworked self give way to a cooler, gentler (and did we mention drunker?) you. Or stay home, make a batch for you and yours, and give way to ... whatever you like.

The Hudson Cosmo
2 parts Absolut Mandrin
1 part triple sec
1/2 part lime juice
1/2 part cranberry juice

Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass and add ice. Shake well
(shaking infuses flavors), and serve in a chilled martini glass.

Garnish with a pansy or a nasturtium.
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!
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