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Four Law Firms get in Fortune’s 2012 ‘List of Best Places to Work For’

published January 24, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

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Four Law Firms get in Fortune's 2012 ‘List of Best Places to Work For'

Alston & Bird tops list of law firms to be included in Fortune's ‘Best Companies to Work For'. The Atlanta-based law firm is 43rd largest in the United States but ranks well above the industry giants and takes the 24th place in the Fortune list. Even though it ranks as the best place to work as far as law firms are concerned (according to Fortune). Alston & Bird, fell from its previous spot of number 13 in last year's list. The three other firms are Bingham McCutchen at number 30, Baker Donelson: at 54, and Perkins Coie ranking at 58. All four law firms had made the list last year, and all four fell in their rankings in this year's list.
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