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Assange Extradition Stands

published February 26, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing
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While this was a disappointing blow for Assange and his supporters, his legal team says it looks forward to finally vindicating Assange. One of its arguments presented in the UK courtroom was that Assange's actions, had they been committed on UK soil, would not have constituted rape or sexual assault on any level, therefore, it did not constitute an extraditable offense.

Claes Borgstrom, one of the lawyers representing the two women who say Assange sexually assaulted them disagreed and said he looked forward to seeing Assange back in Sweden. ''It's just too bad that it took so long. Assange will probably appeal this decision for some reason that is hard to understand. He claims that he hasn't committed a crime so he should just come here and sort it out.'' said Borgstrom, after learning of today's ruling.

Outside the London courtroom, close to a dozen folks, all who support Assange, waited with signs that read, ''Free Julian Assange''. Among those supporters included Bianca Jagger.

Assange and his lawyers now have seven days to appeal, which his legal team insists it will do. If they do, it could result in at least several more months of delays. Judge Riddle did continue his bail, along with the requirement that he wear an electronic monitoring device and remain in his current location. He must also still check in each evening with law enforcement, though he is still residing in a country estate mansion that belongs to yet another one of his supporters.

published February 26, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing
( 1 vote, average: 2.5 out of 5)
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