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Miner Mayhem

published October 15, 2010

By Author - LawCrossing
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The news of the miners has permeated worldwide news for the last two months, in which they were trapped underneath the earth in a caved in mine shaft. Footage of the rescue dominated news outlets all over the world. In fact, I was on the phone with someone in Torino, Italy, watching the exact same footage at the exact same time. There's no denying that this is a major story.

The question on everyone's mine... I mean, mind... is what's going to become of the 33 lucky miners. Fame? Fortune? Post traumatic stress disorder? While the latter remains to be seen, the two former are a sure thing.

While they were trapped a mile beneath the Earth, the miners banded together to form a union of 33. That means they will share any profits made from the incident equally.

According to Yonni Barrios, the man who became notorious for having both a wife and a mistress, the men were very aware that this could be their meal ticket for the rest of their lives.

''If we do this properly,' said Barrios, ''we won't have to work for the rest of our lives.''

Before the miners were rebirthed from the rescue capsule dubbed The Pheonix, they had paperwork sent down that stated that they would share the 33 profits equally. However, having one lawyer represent 33 men agreeing to share profits stemming from media deals could be a bit more than anyone bargained for.

There is bound to be a stand out member of the pack. That stand out is also bound to receive more offers (perhaps a reality show on VH1, or a book deal). Once the star breaks from the pack, he is likely to find himself amidst a courtroom battle. After all, who wants to share profits with 32 other people?
Studios wishing to document the event may also have a tough time affording the rights.

A New York Magazine article assessed the situation, saying, ''This profit-sharing means that outlets paying for interviews, authors looking to write books, and studios hoping for movie rights will have to negotiate with the whole group, as opposed to just one man, which will likely mean they'll have to pay more.''

One thing is sure, we have much more miner mayhem to endure.

published October 15, 2010

By Author - LawCrossing
( 1 vote, average: 2 out of 5)
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