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LSAT Secrets

published June 16, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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There are so many LSAT study preparation courses out there that it could make your head swim. An Education Specialist recommends a guide called ''LSAT Secrets'' and the cost is so minimal ($55.00) that is worth the extra change to begin your studies with these secrets. Why? They work and the company will refund your money if they don't.
  • There are six factors to look for when choosing an LSAT study guide.
  • The authors must be people who have researched topics and concepts in detail so then know what you need to succeed on the LSAT.
  • The authors must write the information in user friendly language.
  • The information should be to the point so the most important topics are covered.
  • Here is the really big ''MUST.'' Address the test first, then material second. If the content were the only thing that was important to passing then every test taker should score to win, but that isn't the way things go down. This is where the LSAT Secrets Guide is different. It is not enough to know content; it is also ''test performance.'' LSAT Secrets believe they pull it all together for you by teaching how to perform on the test.
  • LSAT Secrets believe it is a long painful process to study and get only average results.
  • A really outstanding study guide gives the following guarantee. ''If you don't pass with flying colors, you get your money back-no questions asked.'' That guarantee is straight from the developer.

What are the Benefits of using LSAT Secrets?

Are you still finishing up classes and trying to prepare for the LSAT at the same time? Do you work and only have the ''other'' hours in the week to study? Have other guides you used in the past failed you? LSAT Secrets give you a study plan in detail to help you study in the time you have, whether that is a week or several months.

There are many tips for saving time and selecting correct answers. The guide warns you of snares like "fact traps" and how best to answer them correctly. The LSAT Secrets will teach you problem solving for questions asking "Which of the following statements exhibits the same logical flaws?'' LSAT problem solving will have you moving quickly through these ordinarily time consuming questions. You will learn how to recognize ''hedge" words so you are not caught off-guard and spend precious time needed elsewhere. Finally, one of the more mysterious skills you will learn for the test is that LSAT Secrets helps you predict answers before you even see the choices by what you already know. (No secret mind reading skills necessary.)

You can go to the LSAT Secrets website to check out the LSAT Secrets Guide. Beyond the ''test taking'' preparation notes they also supply you with comprehensive reviews in the guide. You can read reviews from people who have used their study guide and taken the bar exam. Here's cheering for the one and only time you have to sit for the LSAT.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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