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Obama Report to be Submitted to Panel

published December 30, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing
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Obama, earlier this week, released the internal report supporting his claim that there has been no inappropriate contact with the governor's office by Obama or his staff.

Genson's request to submit the report will probably be approved, according to State Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, chairwoman of the committee. She did, however, express skepticism that the report would prove the governor's innocence. The House panel is set to meet on Monday.

"Maybe in this particular instance someone didn't run a stop sign, but it doesn't say they didn't run a different stop sign," she said.

Earlier the committee rejected Genson's request to subpoena incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, whose testimony he said would fortify Blagojevich's claims of innocence. The subpoena request was rejected after U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said testimony from Emanuel and others would disrupt his investigation.

Blagojevich has repeatedly ignored calls for his resignation. He was arrested on December 9 on charges alleging that he schemed to swap Obama's vacant senate seat for profit.
