Below, dietician Bonnie Taub-Dix, the director of BTD Nutrition Consultants in New York City and a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, gives readers tips on how to enjoy the lunch-in experience:
- "Whenever you can, try not to eat at your desk. This will be distracting and cause you to not pay attention to what you are eating and/or cause you to eat quickly and not enjoy/digest your food well."
- "Try a 'lunch-share' with a buddy at work: you bring the salad, and they can bring the grilled chicken or shrimp! You can bring lunch one day, and they can bring it the next. It's important that you're both on the same page, however, as far as the types of meals you like (i.e., low in fat, high in veggie content, etc.)."
- "Bring some snacks from home that you can count on for those times of day (usually mid-morning and late afternoon) so that you can avoid trips to the vending machine. You can bring ready-to-eat cereal in a zippered bag and have it with some skim milk or put some peanut butter on whole grain crackers for a pick-me-up rich in protein and carbohydrates."
Overall, just make sure you eat a balanced meal and rely on your best judgment. Convince a coworker to pack a lunch too, and then you can both chat over your meals while sitting next to each other. Remember that a good lunch is important, so don't waste it!