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How to bee an extrovert in the first phase of getting a new job.

published October 01, 2007

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Most people are wary when they meet someone for the first time, and that's perfectly natural. When you first start a job, it usually involves meeting a bunch of people for the first time. Most likely, you will go through a period of shyness as you become accustomed to your surroundings, but what happens when shyness takes over your day-to-day life? I am talking about being so shy that it affects your daily routine. Sure, at the beginning, you may be excused for the early timidity you display, but you will eventually need to break out of your shell.

Here are some tips that may help you stray away from shyness in a new work environment and even enjoy the company of others around you comfortably:
  1. Introduce yourself. Get out there! No, you do not have to go around shaking everyone's hand, but put a smile on your face, and try to get to know your fellow staff members. Whether it be a coworker or the cleaning lady, it helps to meet the people you are surrounded by daily.

  2. Become comfortable with your environment. You are officially working among people whom you will see every day, so try to feel out your area. Look around the building, and get out a couple of times a week to explore the scenery. You can get to know your location and, thereby, feel more comfortable about your job.

  3. Get involved in social activities with coworkers. Whether it be bowling or bar hopping, you may learn to enjoy after-hours fun with your peers! If you enjoy your coworkers, mixing business with fun can be a treat and allow you to be more comfortable and honest!

  4. Get to know your coworkers. If you are sincerely interested in learning about someone or getting to know an individual, then you won't have to focus on yourself! When you focus on yourself, you can feel self-conscious, which can lead to shyness.

  5. Be yourself! People can see through fakeness. Use humor and your personable attitude to gain support and friendships. Do not attempt to be someone you are not. Be honest about who you are, and people will respect you for it.

It is important to remember that you were hired to do your job based on your skill and your overall personality, so if you choose to be shy, then that is your decision to make. However, being comfortable in your skin allows you to do a better job and can make your life easier.

At least try to see what life can be like with a more outgoing attitude. You do not need to be the office mascot or a social butterfly, but you should not fear interactions with others to the extent that you become a fly on the wall, either. Compromise, and create your own balance within your personal guidelines. Blend in, but do not forget to be a valuable force in your office; you are worth it! Good luck!

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