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A PC That Will Transfix You

published September 10, 2007

( 5 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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For those who do not fall into the gaming-aficionado category, "gaming" refers to playing electronic games (video games) on various devices, such as personal computers, video game consoles, or hand-held apparatuses, alone or against others. And for anyone who not only knows about gaming but also views himself or herself as a power or hardcore gamer, you may now have the chance to get one step closer to heaven with Voodoo's new Elemental Omen PC.

Calgary-based VoodooPC was founded in 1991 with the sole goal of creating powerful, personalized, authentic machines. A company press release states, "Dedicated to delivering leading-edge performance, style, and craftsmanship to discerning PC enthusiasts, Voodoo is ever evolving and continues to engineer perfectly designed, well-balanced, work-of-art 'machines' that inspire and enable individuals to reach great possibilities."

With the introduction of the Omen in mid-2006, Voodoo redefined computer performance by giving it a complete and unprecedented upgrade. And while the price may run as high as $24,000 per unit, Voodoo gives you the freedom to design your own system, ensuring that it is not only unique but also an electronic powerhouse.

And this ultimate gaming system carries enough power to make all others seem completely inadequate. The computer features two 512-MB ATI Radeon X1900XTX graphics cards, four gigs of RAM, and two terabytes of hard-drive space spread across four 500-GB drives, a dual-core AMD Athlon® 64 FX-60 processor, and Voodoo's F5 Liquid Cooling System with Silent Phase radial fans. In addition to the computer's amazing processing capabilities, the system also comes with a 46-inch Samsung LCD.

As a point of comparison between the Omen and a "normal" computer that you can buy at your nearest Best Buy, consider this: the Omen has 512 MB graphics cards, whereas other computers have 112 MB graphics cards. The Omen has a 46-inch screen, whereas other computers typically come with 22-inch monitors. To be quite honest, there is no comparison; Voodoo's Omen is far superior. And that is exactly why you will purchase it.

This weekend you will sit at your favorite desk, in your favorite chair, and play your favorite game—"Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 4 Double Agent"—on the best computer there is.
( 5 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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