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How to Get a Job at Kirkland & Ellis: What You Need to Know

published March 02, 2023

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Kirkland & Ellis is a leading law firm that has been providing exceptional legal services to clients around the world for over 120 years. Founded in 1909, the firm has grown to become one of the largest and most well-known firms in the world. The firm specializes in a range of legal services including corporate and litigation, finance, M&A, restructuring, tax, and disputes. With over 2,000 lawyers, the firm is able to offer expert legal advice to its clients on a global scale.

Kirkland & Ellis has a long history of excellence and innovation, having been at the forefront of many legal developments over the years. The firm has been involved in some of the world's largest mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions, and corporate restructurings. The firm also takes pride in its commitment to pro bono work, and has been involved in some of the most significant cases in the US and around the world.

Kirkland & Ellis has a strong global presence, with offices located in the US, Europe, and Asia. The firm's offices are staffed with experienced lawyers who are knowledgeable in the laws and regulations of the region in which they are located. The firm's lawyers also draw on the global nature of their practice to ensure that their clients' interests are protected.

The firm is known for its loyalty to its clients, with many of them having remained with Kirkland & Ellis for decades. The firm's lawyers prioritize client needs when delivering legal services, and strive to build strong relationships with their clients. The firm is committed to providing the highest quality legal advice, and has earned a reputation as one of the most prestigious firms in the world.

Kirkland & Ellis is a global leader in legal services, providing clients around the world with top-tier advice and expertise. With over a century of experience and 2,000 lawyers, the firm is able to offer clients the best legal guidance in a variety of legal matters. The firm is known for its commitment to pro bono work, and its loyal client relationships, which have allowed it to become one of the most highly-respected firms in the world.
Questions Answered In This Article

What is the salary for first-year associates at Kirkland & Ellis?

First-year associates at Kirkland & Ellis have a starting salary of $125,000.

Does Kirkland & Ellis offer bonuses to its associates?

Yes, Kirkland & Ellis typically provides a $10,000 summer stipend for its first years and merit-based bonuses.

Are there any benefits offered to Kirkland & Ellis associates?

Kirkland & Ellis offers a generous benefits package that includes stipends for judicial clerkship experiences, paid moving expenses, and three weeks of vacation.

Does Kirkland & Ellis consider local sources for talent?

Yes, Kirkland & Ellis considers local sources for talent in addition to graduates from top-tier law schools like Harvard Law and Pepperdine University.

What are the two training programs offered by Kirkland & Ellis?

The two training programs offered by Kirkland & Ellis are the Kirkland Institute for Trial Advocacy (KITA) and the Kirkland Institute of Corporate Practice (KICP). Both programs hold two sessions, one for summer associates and the other for first years. Associates participate in videotaped mock trials, or mock negotiations supervised and later critiqued by senior partners.

Established Law Firm Kirkland & Ellis

Kirkland & Ellis, established in 1909, is one of the oldest and most respected law firms in the United States. The firm provides top-notch legal services to clients across a range of industries, from financial services and life sciences to technology and media. With more than 2,000 lawyers, the firm has offices in some of the world's most important financial and business centers, including London, Los Angeles, New York, Palo Alto, Washington, D.C., Boston, Houston, San Francisco, Chicago, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo.

A Reputation for Excellence

Kirkland & Ellis is known for its commitment to excellence, offering sophisticated legal advice to the world's most sophisticated clients. The firm has earned a sterling reputation among peers and clients alike, thanks to its ability to provide sophisticated legal services in a wide range of areas, including antitrust, capital markets, corporate law, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, and restructuring.

Highly-Qualified Lawyers

Kirkland & Ellis lawyers are highly sought-after and respected in the legal community. The firm's lawyers represent some of the most successful companies and individuals in the world, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, private equity firms, and hedge funds. The lawyers are known for their comprehensive knowledge, creativity, and skill in a wide range of legal areas, from corporate transactions and litigation to tax, regulatory, and intellectual property matters.

Law Firm's Global Reach

Kirkland & Ellis' international reach and global capabilities are unmatched. The firm's lawyers have a deep understanding of the legal and business needs of international clients, and are able to provide the best advice and solutions for complex, cross-border matters. The firm's lawyers are experienced in advising on investments, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and other business arrangements in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other parts of the world.

Training and Development

Kirkland & Ellis is committed to providing its lawyers with the skills, resources and support needed to excel professionally. The firm offers a comprehensive training and development program to ensure that each lawyer is kept up-to-date with the latest developments in the legal field. The firm also provides opportunities for professional growth, such as secondments, pro bono work, and international assignments.

As the most prestigious of the Chicago law firms, Kirkland & Ellis continues to demonstrate its regional and national dominance in litigation and corporate law matters. More than 125 years ago, Stewart G. Shepard and Robert R. McCormick created the firm and, to this day, have had a greater impact than its current name implies. Specifically, McCormick's later role as publisher to his family's newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, led to the firm's historic work on free speech that established its fame. Partners Kirkland and Ellis subsequently made their mark on the firm by working in defense of the Tribune and other prominent newspapers in various libel cases.

These days, the firm of over 1000 lawyers receives press for its representation of Fortune 500 companies. Corporate Counsel Magazine ranked Kirkland & Ellis fourth in a survey of top choices for outside counsel and first for its litigation team. In the past year, Kirkland & Ellis attorneys have worked with S.C. Johnson on its acquisition of German corporation Bayer, Conseco on its dispute over Donald Trump's shares of the New York GM building, and General Motors on its defense of trademark infringement claims. Among its top litigators, Kirkland & Ellis also boasts famous Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr whose career will perhaps remain forever linked with the Clinton administration.

The determined attitude with which Kirkland & Ellis approaches its trade often bleeds into its workplace environment. Serious work and long hours are expected by associates and partners alike. Associates easily clock in over 2,000 billable hours per year at this firm and those who cannot pull their weight are quickly weeded out. Social interactions are minimal and associates state that they prefer spending their spare time with family and their outside lives. Whether the firm has selectively chosen exceptionally motivated and independent attorneys or has internally bred this type of work ethic, associates at Kirkland & Ellis are well-suited to the environment and find great professional satisfaction here.

While encouraging self-reliance, Kirkland & Ellis does not leave its associates without excellent training. The law firm has two highly renowned training programs, the Kirkland Institute for Trial Advocacy (KITA) and the Kirkland Institute of Corporate Practice (KICP). Both programs hold two sessions, one for summer associates and the other for first years. Associates participate in videotaped mock trials or mock negotiations that are supervised and later critiqued by senior partners. Although the rigorous training may sound intimidating for some, most associates find it extremely useful and rank Kirkland as having one of the nation's best lawyer training programs.

While reputed to exclusively favor the top ten law schools, Kirkland & Ellis also considers local sources for talent. Graduates from Harvard Law and Pepperdine University alike frequently make up the summer associates program. Besides stellar grades, attorneys with plenty of energy and strong independent qualities have the best chances of getting hired and making it at this firm. Additionally, Kirkland & Ellis' two tier partnership system, equity and non-equity levels, rewards its hard and loyal workers. Making it to the non-equity level is reported to be a reasonable expectation after six years and the firm provides candid evaluations at regular intervals. Though achieving the more desirable and more financially rewarding equity partnership is near impossible, associates nonetheless appreciate the near guarantee of making it to some level of partnership.

Kirkland & Ellis has a single compensation plan for its associates and compensates equally, regardless of office location. The firm's standardized salaries begin at $125,000 for all its first-years, but London associates get an additional $30,000 to help defray the cost of living increase. And although bonuses have been lacking in recent years due to the recession, the firm generally provides a $10,000 summer stipend for its first years, as well as merit-based bonuses for its associates. The firm also supplies a generous benefits package which includes stipends for judicial clerkship experiences, paid moving expenses, and three weeks of vacation.


Kirkland & Ellis currently has several openings in all of its domestic offices, including opportunities for experienced real estate, litigation and corporate associates. More information regarding attorney positions at Kirkland & Ellis can be found in the LawCrossing job database.

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