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Guide to Pepperdine University School of Law: Detailed Overview and Admissions Requirements

published March 05, 2023

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Pepperdine University School of Law is an elite legal institution that offers an impressive array of programs in an enriching, collegial environment. The school is situated on Pepperdine's picturesque Malibu campus and boasts a close-knit student body and exceptional faculty. With an excellent reputation among academics, employers and the judiciary, Pepperdine Law is committed to developing its students into inspiring, successful lawyers.

Pepperdine Law offers a variety of degree programs in both traditional and niche areas of law. Students can choose either a Juris Doctor (J.D.), Master of Laws (LL.M.), or Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D) program, as well as specialized certificates in areas such as business law, dispute resolution, and tax law. The curriculum is rigorous and innovative, combining classroom learning, experiential learning, and clinical opportunities to give students a well-rounded legal education.

The Pepperdine School of Law also offers extracurricular activities and organizations to enrich the student experience. Students can pursue their interests in student government, mock trial, and several student-run journals. Experiential learning opportunities include clinics, externships, and study abroad programs. The Career Development Office provides career guidance and assistance with job searches, summer positions, and internships.

Pepperdine Law provides a supportive and collegial environment for its students. Small class sizes create a close-knit student body, while the school's commitment to student wellness, diversity and inclusion, and community service help students develop a sense of purpose. With a commitment to excellence and service, Pepperdine Law students are prepared to take on the challenges of the legal profession.

Pepperdine University School of Law is an elite legal institution that offers a range of J.D., LL.M., and J.S.D degree programs in traditional and niche areas of law. The school's curriculum is rigorous and innovative, combining classroom learning, experiential learning, and clinical opportunities. The school also provides an array of extracurricular activities and organizations, as well as career guidance and job search assistance. Pepperdine Law's supportive and collegial environment, commitment to student wellness and service, and excellent reputation all contribute to preparing students for the challenges of the legal profession.

Pepperdine University School of Law: A Private College in Malibu, CA

Pepperdine University School of Law (PUSL) is a private, ABA-accredited institution located in Malibu, California. Founded in 1937, the school is committed to providing students with a comprehensive legal education, offering a range of courses and programs in traditional and contemporary legal studies. PUSL is also dedicated to supporting students in developing the professional and ethical traits necessary to be successful in the legal profession.

High Academic Standards, Small Class Sizes

PUSL is known for its high academic standards and its commitment to small class sizes, which ensures that each student gets the individual attention they need to excel. The school is particularly renowned for its public interest, justice, and philanthropy efforts, as well as its emphasis on professional responsibility and strong professional development programs. Additionally, PUSL is committed to providing students with a wide range of experiential learning opportunities, from internships and clinics to externships and study abroad opportunities.

A Variety of Academic Programs

PUSL offers a variety of degree programs, including J.D. and LL.M. programs in business, taxation, and dispute resolution. Additionally, students can pursue specialized certificates in areas such as intellectual property, entertainment, and health law. The school also offers an innovative Accelerated J.D. (AJD) program, which allows students to finish law school in three years instead of four.

A Robust Alumni Network

PUSL is proud of its strong alumni network that consists of more than 8,000 lawyers and alumni who are actively engaged in the legal community. In addition to offering mentorship programs and other resources for alumni, the school is also home to a variety of professional and student-run organizations that help students become connected with the legal profession. Moreover, PUSL's alumni network helps graduates network and collaborate with one another, as well as with the school. Nestled in between the Santa Monica Mountains and the Malibu coastline, the Pepperdine University School of Law offers an attractive setting to go along with its cutting-edge legal programs. Boasting innovative approaches to dispute resolution, intellectual property, and law and religion, Pepperdine fosters a particularly diverse and stimulating environment that challenges its law students not only to learn the law but also to gain a strong sense of ethics and professional responsibility.

With the recent appointment of Kenneth Starr as the new dean, the leadership will be in place to continue the noteworthy services and programs of this institution.

It was the creation of the School of Law in 1971 that brought Pepperdine College, established in 1937, its university status. Becoming ABA accredited just one year later, the Pepperdine School of Law has enjoyed a strong academic reputation for over thirty years and continues to bring leadership in legal education. Pepperdine is proud of its founder's commitment to Christian values and strives to educate in a manner respectful of that history. However, it maintains a nonsectarian relationship with the Christian community and attracts students from a diverse range of religious backgrounds.

The rich legal education afforded students of Pepperdine is demonstrated in the school's various institutes and degree programs. In addition to the standard Juris Doctor program, Pepperdine students can pursue joint degrees such as the JD/MBA, the JD/Master of Public Policy, or the JD/Master of Dispute Resolution. The renowned Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution also offers certificate and LL.M. degrees and has implemented night and summer classes to cater to busy professionals looking to hone crucial skills. Other impressive resources available to Pepperdine law students are the Institute on Law, Religion and Ethics, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Judicial Clerkship Institute, and the London Program.

The Straus Institute's Master of Dispute Resolution embodies the innovative approach to legal education of Pepperdine's School of Law. Ranked 2nd by U.S. New and World Report in 2004, the program, which was started in 1986, has attracted the best experts in the field and has led the way in clinical training and courses offered. Law students and professionals interested in dispute resolution have considerable flexibility when scheduling courses and often can fulfill most requirements in intensive winter or summer sessions. In this way, JD/Master of Dispute Resolution candidates often earn both degrees in three years of full-time study.

Pepperdine's other institutes and programs are also leaders in their respective fields. The Institute for Law, Religion and Ethics recognizes the complex and varied opinions about the relationship between law and religion and strives to create a forum where serious discussion can take place.

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology was created in fall of 2000 in response to the growing need for technology-savvy lawyers. Second-year students gain important hands-on experience in the newest technological issues and focus their coursework on topics such as entertainment law and intellectual property.

The Judicial Clerkship and the London program make available cutting-edge training for traditional legal needs: experienced clerks and internationally minded lawyers. In the former, students have the opportunity to get early starts on clerking skills in classes often designed and taught by judges. In the latter program, students actively respond to the demand for lawyers well-versed in international law by studying with both Pepperdine and adjunct professors in London.

In addition to these programs and institutes, another Pepperdine advantage is the dedication of its faculty and administrators to act as mentors and guides. Modeling their relationship after the responsibility a lawyer has for his clients, law professors at Pepperdine think of themselves as "counselors" who teach their students not only about legal theories and doctrine, but how to responsibly and ethically advocate for their own clients. With a solid 17:1 student-to-faculty ratio, Pepperdine students enjoy an "open door" teacher-student policy, a rare feature in many law schools.

The tuition at Pepperdine is $29,640 for the standard academic year. An impressive number of scholarships and grants are available for students, such as the Dean's Scholarship, for which all candidates with an undergraduate GPA above 3.4 and LSAT scores in the 86th percentile are considered, and the Diversity Scholarship, which seeks to continue the institution's tradition of a diverse student body. Approximately 60% of the 650-student body receive some form of grant support.

Pepperdine offers a tremendous amount of resources and extracurricular activities for a school of its size, including a law library, career services, student ministries, several law reviews and journals, clinics and moot court —not to mention a large dose of breathtaking views.

So as we have seen, students at Pepperdine benefit from a rich educational, geographical, and social environment. The tranquility and beauty of the Malibu coastline reflects the mature perspective of this legal community. Dedicated to providing the most competitive of legal educations, Pepperdine balances a traditional curriculum with new ways of approaching legal issues.
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